This book is a fresh entry into the crowded field of biblical theology. One form of biblical theology seeks to unpack the distinctive theological voice of each biblical book and corpus; another very common form of biblical theology traces themes across the canon, watching them develop and sometimes even take on a typological life of their own. The approach adopted by the three authors of this volume follows neither pattern. Instead, they set themselves the task of studying how the story of Israel is picked up in various ways in the New Testament, whether directly or allusively. What does Matthew's handling of Jesus' genealogy disclose about the evangelist's understanding of Israel's history? What about the treatment of Israel by Stephen in Acts 7, by Paul in Romans 9-11, by the author of Hebrews in Hebrews 11? The journey through these and other texts is surprisingly interesting, and contributes mightily to a fresh understanding of some of the ways in which the biblical documents intertwine so as to flesh out the good news of Jesus the Messiah.
D. A. Carson, Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, USA