<p> “What are we waiting for? Israel had been singing, ‘O come, O come, Emmanuel’ for centuries. At a time when many are looking for someone or something else, this book is a beautiful meditation on the meaning of Advent. It deserves a wide readership.”<br /><b>—Michael Horton, professor of systematic theology and apologetics at Westminster Seminary, California, and host of Sola Media’s <i>White Horse Inn</i> podcast</b></p>
<p> “<i>Awaiting the Manger</i> is an invitation to read, reflect, pray, and sing about the glorious wonder of the incarnation for twenty-five days each Advent season. I love Ocieanna’s focus on Old Testament passages that stir in us a yearning for the coming of Christ.”<br /><b>—Karen Hodge, coordinator of women's ministries for the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and author of <i>Transformed: Life-taker to Life-giver and Life-giving Leadership </i></b></p>