CONTENTS Abbreviations 6 THE BOOK OF AMOS Introduction 7 Text and Commentary 12 Superscription and Introduction (Amos 1:1-2) 12 Proclamations Concerning the Nations (Amos 1:3–2:16) 12 Three Words to Israel (Amos 3:1–5:6, 8-9) 19 Three Woes (Amos 5:7, 10-17; 5:18-27; 6:1-14) 26 Five Visions; Two Judgment Speeches (Amos 7:1–9:10) 29 Epilogue (Amos 9:11-15) 35 THE BOOK OF HOSEA Introduction 37 Text and Commentary 42 Superscription (Hosea 1:1) 42 Marriage Metaphor; Gomer, Hosea, God, and Israel (Hosea 1:2–3:5) 43 Proclamation against Israel and Its Leadership (Hosea 4:1–5:7) 51 Judgment Speech against Israel and Judah (Hosea 5:8-14) 55 Expression of Divine Frustration and Judgment upon Israel and Judah (Hosea 5:15–7:2) 56 Description of Failed Leadership (Hosea 7:3-7) 57 Description of Israel’s Folly and Fate (Hosea 7:8-12) 58 Woe Speech against Israel (Hosea 7:13-16) 59 Declaration of Warfare (Hosea 8:1-14) 60 Judgment Speech against Israel (Hosea 9:1-6) 62 Statement of Impending Divine Chastisement (Hosea 9:7-9) 63 Description of Israel’s Crimes (Hosea 9:10-17) 64 Three Metaphors Concerning Israel (Hosea 10:1–11:11) 65 Description of Israel’s Infidelity (Hosea 12:1–13:1) 70 Judgment Speech against Israel (Hosea 13:2–14:1) 71 Divine Plea and Promise of Healing, Restoration, and New Life (Hosea 14:2-9) 73 Epilogue: A Word of Exhortation (Hosea 14:10) 74 THE BOOK OF MICAH Introduction 75 Text and Commentary 80 Superscription (Micah 1:1) 80 Proclamation of Judgment; Word of Hope (Micah 1:2–3:12) 80 Proclamation of Future Restoration (Micah 4:1–5:14) 89 Words of Judgment, Lament, Trust (Micah 6:1–7:20) 95 THE BOOK OF NAHUM Introduction 105 Text and Commentary 108 Superscription (Nahum 1:1) 108 A Hymn to God (Nahum 1:2-11) 108 A Word of Good News to Judah (Nahum 1:12–2:1) 109 A Prophetic Vision Concerning Nineveh (Nahum 2:2–3:19) 110 THE BOOK OF ZEPHANIAH Introduction 115 Text and Commentary 119 Superscription (Zephaniah 1:1) 119 Proclamations of Judgment and Imminent Disasters (Zephaniah 1:2–3:8) 120 Statement of Reproach against Jerusalem (Zephaniah 3:1-7) 125 Statement of Future Purification (Zephaniah 3:8-13) 126 Proclamation of Hope, Salvation, and Restoration (Zephaniah 3:14-20) 127 THE BOOK OF HABAKKUK Introduction 129 Text and Commentary 133 Superscription (Habakkuk 1:1) 133 The Prophet’s First Complaint (Habakkuk 1:2-4) 133 A Divine Response (Habakkuk 1:5-11) 134 The Prophet’s Second Complaint (Habakkuk 1:12–2:1) 135 A Divine Response: A Vision Statement with Five Woes (Habakkuk 2:2-20) 136 A Prophet’s Prayer (Habakkuk 3:1-19) 138 Review Aids and Discussion Topics 140 Index of Citations from the Catechism of the Catholic Church 145 Maps 146
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