... a collection of valuable essays ... Muller displays an enviable mastery of primary and secondary source material. The chief value of the collection lies in its provision of an excellent up-to-the-minute survey of recent historiographical trends in the study of post-Reformation orthodoxy.
Westminster Theological Journal
This is a work that will promote dialogue and encourage fresh research. It deserves engagement and should frequently be referred to by students and teachers of the long Reformation. With its clear argumentation and outstanding command of sources, After Calvin confirms Muller's place at the centre of the debate over the theology of Calvin and his contemporaries and the appropriation of that theology by succeeding generations.
Westminster Theological Journal
For those already familiar with Muller's work this volume does not disappoint. It reflects the attention to detail, extensive familiarity with primary sources, and judicious assessment Muller has led us to expect.
Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology
The combination of these essays in one volume makes what might appear a redundant publication in fact a very useful one ... one now has single-volume access to Muller's most penetrating essays on the methodology, scholarship, and thought of post-Reformation Reformed Protestantism. This alone makes the book worthy of publication; the revisions simply add to its value.
Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology
After Calvin is a work worthy of serious attention.
Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology