Barbara Reid's lyrical prose and compelling imagery delight the reader. She gracefully uses the best of contemporary and traditional scholarship. Her attention to often obscure references, locales' significance and often misinterpreted phrases open possibilities for understanding that go deeper than a superficial reading. Clearly, Reid is a preacher, and in this book shares insights and scholarship that gift anyone who preaches the Sunday readings.<br /> Honora Werner, OP, Director, DMin in Preaching Program, Aquinas Institute of Theology
Barbara Reid brings her years of experience as a Dominican religious and professional biblical scholar and teacher to a work that is both inspiring and practical. She will deepen your awareness of what it means to taste and savor God's word in the Sunday lectionary as well as challenge your comfort zone to move into a new perspective and a clearer horizon. With reflective questions as conversation partners for each week's reflection, this book is well suited for both individual prayer and group reflections. <i>Abiding Word</i> is an altogether perfect companion for the baptized assembly gathering for praise and thanksgiving at the Sunday Eucharist.<br /> Guerric DeBona, OSB, Professor of Homiletics and Communication, Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology