<p>Keval writes an essential reading for all in HE. This book is the first in recent times to really present the state of UK HE from a truly liberatory perspective. He explores the "damaging paradoxes" at play in HE, but is able to tease, instruct, and enlighten the readers all at once. This literary work that is essential in today’s incredibly violent and unjust marginalisation of people from the global majority. </p>
- Melanie-Marie Haywood,
<p>Harshad Keval’s "long goodbye" to Higher Education is a powerful, if painful analysis of the university’s racial structures. Racial trauma, a self-regarding White Narcissus, the closing down of curiosity, the transformation of white allyship into abolitionist practices, are some of the overarching ideas Keval uses to track the systemic frictions and costs of the neoliberal hustling of race equality. This is an inconvenient book, to use Berlant’s term, bursting with generous readings of cultural and sociological criticism. Just what we need.</p>
- Yasmin Gunaratnam,