This highly relevant volume asserts the importance associated with contextual dimensions - history, geography, disciplinary profiles, etc. - in both the governance of higher education and the various missions of higher education providers. Considering the complex interplay between regional and institutional dimensions, the authors make a compelling argument for the need for greater decentralization as a policy mechanism for fostering system diversity and in aiding regional differentiation.
Rómulo Pinheiro, Professor of Public Policy & Administration, University of Adger, Norway
This is a must read book for anybody interested in the development of higher education systems and policy. It asks big, serious questions about the future of tertiary education, and how it might be organized to play a key role in economic, social and cultural regeneration at the regional level.
Geoff Hayward, Professor of Education, University of Cambridge, UK
Shattock and Horvath expertly point to an important political opportunity for England: the devolution of its universities and further education institutions into multi-campus regional systems, united by governance, accountability, and their important regional roles. The result is a radical yet learned proposal that should generate considered debate and possibly consequential reforms.
John Aubrey Douglass, Research Professor, Goldman School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley, USA, and author of The New Flagship University
Series Editor’s Foreword
List of Acronyms
1. Introduction
2. The Problem With Regions
3. The Student Context: Recruitment and Graduate Outcomes
4. The Intersectoral Interface: Universities and Further Education
5. The Impact of University Engagement on Regions
6. Institutional Governance and Regional Strategy-Making
7. Regional Engagement and Universities: Some European Comparisons—Norway, Ireland and Germany
8. Tertiary Education and the Role of Regions: The Case for Decentralisation
Works Cited
The Bloomsbury Higher Education Research series provides the evidence-based academic output of the world’s leading research centre on higher education, the ESRC/RE Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE) in the UK. The core focus of CGHE’s work and of The Bloomsbury Higher Education Research series is higher education, especially the future of higher education in the changing global landscape. The emergence of CGHE reflects the remarkable growth in the role and importance of universities and other higher education institutions, and research and science, across the world. Corresponding to CGHE’s projects, monographs in the series will consist of social science research on global, international, national and local aspects of higher education, drawing on methodologies in education, learning theory, sociology, economics, political science and policy studies. Monographs will be prepared so as to maximise worldwide readership and selected on the basis of their relevance to one or more of higher education policy, management, practice and theory. Topics will range from teaching and learning and technologies, to research and research impact in industry, national system design, the public good role of universities, social stratification and equity, institutional governance and management, and the cross-border mobility of people, institutions, programmes, ideas and knowledge. The Bloomsbury Higher Education Research series is at the cutting edge of world research on higher education.
Advisory board:
Paul Blackmore, King’s College London, UK
Brendan Cantwell, Michigan State University, USA
Gwilym Croucher, University of Melbourne, Australia
Carolina Guzman-Valenzuela, University of Chile, Chile
Glen Jones, University of Toronto, Canada
Barbara Kehm, University of Glasgow, UK
Jenny Lee, University of Arizona, USA
Ye Liu, King’s College London, UK
Christine Musselin, Sciences Po, France
Alis Oancea, University of Oxford, UK
Imanol Ordorika, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
Laura Perna, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Gary Rhoades, University of Arizona, USA
Susan Robertson, University of Cambridge, UK
Yang Rui, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Pedro Teixeira, University of Porto, Portugal
Jussi Valimaa, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
N.V. Varghese, National University of Educational Planning and Administration, India
Marijk van der Wende, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
Po Yang, Peking University, China
Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Tohoku University, Japan
Biographical note
Michael Shattock is Visiting Professor at IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society, University College London, UK and Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Education the University of Oxford, UK. He leads the research programme on the governance of higher education in the Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE) at the University of Oxford, UK.
Aniko Horvath is Assistant Professor in the Department of Organization Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and is Researcher at the Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE) at the University of Oxford, UK.