Biographical note
Dr. Zhe Zhang teaches English and conducts educational research at Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen). He has served in the higher education sector for nearly fifteen years, working previously at Shandong University, and also in the Netherlands (Leiden University) and briefly in Australia (Victoria University). He completed his PhD as a President’s Doctoral Scholar in the School of Education at the University of Manchester (UK). His research interests include undergraduate student experience and engagement and teaching and learning in higher education. Zhe also works as a professional translator, and has translated over 50,000 documents.
Olwen McNamara is a Professor of Education at the University of Manchester, where her research interests include teacher professional learning, especially practitioner research, mathematics education and social justice. She has held a number of management responsibilities at the University of Manchester including Head of Initial Teacher Education, Director of Post Graduate Research Programmes and Head of the School of Education. Her national roles have included Chair of the Research and International Committee of the Universities’ Council for the Education of Teachers, and an Executive Member of the Council of the British Educational Research Association.