<p><strong>'Illuminating the transnational linkages and interconnections that shape higher education in the global age, the contributors offer critical, insightful, and erudite assessments of how universities around the world are adapting to--and resisting--global neoliberal pressures. Comprehensive and accessible, this collection is a transdisciplinary tour de force!'</strong> - <em>Manfred B. Steger, Professor of Sociology, University of Hawai'i-Manoa & Honorary Professor of Global Studies, RMIT University</em><br /><br /><strong>'This book signals a maturation of the global studies of higher education. The authors break from the teleological pro-globalisation and anti-globalisation narratives (the mirror of each other) that still dominate much of the commentary. They provide us with generous theoretical tools and vivid observations that help explain us to understand the global, national and local spaces that we are in—and the spaces that we can make for ourselves.'</strong> - <em>Simon Marginson, Director of the ESRC/HEFCE Centre for Global Higher Education, and Professor of International Higher Education at the University College London Institute of Education</em></p>
Biographical note
Meng-Hsuan Chou is Nanyang Assistant Professor in public policy and global affairs at NTU, Singapore and an Associate Fellow at the European Union Centre Singapore. Her publications have appeared in the Journal of European Public Policy, Politics and Governance, and PS: Political Science & Politics.
Isaac Kamola is assistant professor at Trinity College, Hartford, CT. His scholarly work has appeared in International Political Sociology, African Identities, Journal of Higher Education in Africa, British Journal of Political and International Relations, Third World Quarterly, and Transitions as well as a number of edited volumes.
Tamson Pietsch is an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow at the University of Sydney. Her research focuses on the imperial and international histories of universities in the 19th and 20th centuries. She is the author of Empire of scholars: universities, networks and the British Academic world, 1850-1939 (Manchester, 2013).