Biographical note
Eve Bearne was Project Officer for the National Writing Project after working for 20 years in schools and colleges. She then worked at Homerton College, University of Cambridge as a senior lecturer in language and Assistant Director in Research before moving to the University Faculty of Education as a researcher and lecturer. Eve was President of the United Kingdom Literacy Association from 2003 to 2005 and is a Fellow of the English Association. She has written and edited many books on English, literacy and children’s literature, the most recent of which include Teaching Grammar Effectively in the Primary Classroom (2nd Edition, 2020 UKLA) and Talk for Teaching and Learning: The Dialogic Classroom (UKLA 2021) both with David Reedy.
David Reedy is Past President of the UK Literacy Association (UKLA). Until 2014 he was Principal Adviser for primary schools in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. Publications include Talk for Teaching and Learning: The Dialogic Classroom (UKLA 2021) and Teaching Grammar Effectively in the Primary Classroom (2nd Edition, 2020 UKLA) with Eve Bearne, and Guiding Readers: A handbook for teaching reading comprehension to 7-11 year olds (2016 UCL IoE Press) with Wayne Tennant, Nikki Gamble and Angela Hobsbaum. David is a Fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching.