<p>The message from the well-known scholars in this volume seems clear: As the English language continues to grow in global importance, so does the importance of well-prepared writing teachers. This important book calls for more attention to preparing teachers of writing and to finding ways to deal with contextual and institutional constraints that have historically underplayed attention to English L2 writing.</p>
Christine Pearson Casanave, Temple University, Japan and Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, USA
<p>The many contributors to this volume broaden, diversify, and challenge our notions of second language writing teacher education and its contexts by taking us far beyond the usual constrained purview of amply resourced English-dominant settings so common in prior published work. Current and future teachers and teacher-educators who care about second language writing will benefit from the wealth of perspectives on offer.</p>
Diane D. Belcher, Georgia State University, USA
<p>Writing is becoming an integral part of language education throughout the world, and it is increasingly important to understanding how teachers are being prepared to address the needs of L2 writers. This volume provides much-needed insights from around the world, which can in turn help shape the future of the field.</p>
Paul Kei Matsuda, Arizona State University, USA
<p>[This book] has many strengths. First, it is remarkably informative. The book includes studies of English writing education in various parts of the world, which broadens my understanding [...] Second, the book includes studies that research various topics using different frameworks of adaptive expertise, written corrective feedback, motivation and identity [...] Finally, the book focuses on the English writing education in non-English speaking countries. This significantly contributes to the field of researching English writing education as the majority of studies on this topic are conducted in English speaking countries. </p>
- Dung My Tran, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA, LINGUIST List 31.1992
<p>By including valued experiences and empirical studies in global contexts, this book sheds light on understanding the practices, common patterns, and complexities of writing instruction and English teacher education programs in a range of L2 contexts [...] the collection successfully presents a diversity of writing teaching contexts, and draws attention to the complexity of writing instruction in underexplored contexts.</p>
- Jingjing Wang and Jiaxian Gao, Hubei University, China, Journal of English for Academic Purposes 46 (2020)
Biographical note
Lisya Seloni is Associate Professor of English, Illinois State University, USA. Her research areas include L2 writing, teacher education, intercultural rhetoric and language-based ethnography.
Sarah Henderson Lee is Associate Professor of English, Minnesota State University, USA. Her research areas include L2 writing, World Englishes, critical pedagogy and language teacher identity.