'An excellent contribution to our understanding of entrepreneurship education that truly pushes forward thinking about how to undertake research on this subject. It provides insights from some of the leading thinkers and will undoubtedly be a key work of reference for both educators and researchers.'
--Luke Pittaway, Ohio University, US
'The really interesting questions and insights in the field of entrepreneurship are coming from scholars focusing on entrepreneurship education. When we explore issues in entrepreneurship education we are delving into fundamental concerns about the knowledge, skills and activities that are essential for spurring entrepreneurial activity. A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship Education offers a comprehensive and in-depth exploration of the theoretical and methodological foundations of entrepreneurial learning. The book is populated with a wide-ranging set of chapters by leading authorities in the entrepreneurship area that offer new insights and knowledge about entrepreneurship education that have important implications for entrepreneurship scholarship, policy and practice. The book is a ''must-read''. Yes. The book is that informative and perceptive.'
--William B. Gartner, Babson College, US `
'This edited book is a must-read for faculty who wish to use rigorous research to inform their practice of teaching entrepreneurship. The global panel of authors tackle a variety of perspectives - philosophical, didactical, epistemological, methodological, and individual - to explore the past, present and future of entrepreneurship education.'
--Siri Terjesen, American University, US