"<i>Making the World Global </i>is a rich and intriguing exploration of academic knowledge production and its effects on the material conditions of the world. In calling for the creation of “new conditions of academic knowledge production," [it] poses a necessary challenge that we should strive to meet.”
- Rafael Khachaturian, Perspectives on Politics
“[<i>Making the World Global</i>] is an important book with a guaranteed long shelf life and indeed virtual space life. His theoretical framework is part of emerging works that seek to bring Marxism and Decoloniality together....”<br />
- Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni, International Politics Reviews
"<i>Making the World Global</i> merits high praise for accomplishing something that only some intellectual histories of the U.S. in the world succeed at: tying ideas, their makers, and their institutional homes to their lived consequences for the world's peoples."
- Paul A. Kramer, Reviews in American History