This is a groundbreaking edited volume that amplifies the voices of EFL writing educators from under-represented countries. The rich collection in the book offers innovative strategies, diverse perspectives and empowering narratives, giving EFL writing teachers invaluable insights into fostering effective writing pedagogies in diverse linguistic contexts. An indispensable resource for EFL writing instructors.
Willy Ardian Renandya, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
This book is a timely, accessible, and informative contribution to scholarship on writing teacher development that addresses important gaps in the field as related to the under-represented EFL context. It is impressive in its depth and scope of coverage and is notable for its emphasis on local voices across a global landscape.
Alan Hirvela, Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University, USA
This book constitutes a most welcome and innovative contribution to previous scholarship on L2 writing teacher education with its collective critical and insightful exploration of ways in which specific contexts (covering a range of hitherto unexplored geographical areas across the globe) create unique affordances and constraints for teaching L2 writing and for writing teacher preparation and professional development.
Rosa M. Manchón, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
Biographical note
Estela Ene is Professor and Chair of the English Department at Indiana University Indianapolis, USA, where she directs and teaches in the English for Academic Purposes Program and the MA in TESOL Program.
Betsy Gilliland is an Associate Professor in the Department of Second Language Studies at the University of Hawaiʻi Mānoa, USA, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in L2 writing pedagogy and research, academic literacies and qualitative research methods.
Sarah Henderson Lee is a Professor of English at Minnesota State University, Mankato, USA, where she directs the multilingual writing program and teaches in the graduate Rhetoric & Composition and TESOL programs.
Tanita Saenkhum is an Associate Professor of Rhetoric, Writing, and Linguistics at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA, where she teaches courses in L2 writing, TESOL methods and SLA.
Lisya Seloni is a Professor of Applied Linguistics and TESOL in the Department of English at Illinois State University, USA, where she teaches courses in L2 writing, TESOL methods and materials, and raciolinguistics.