<p>An excellent introduction to the skills and behaviours readers will need to be effective leaders. Linking a range of tools and techniques throughout the book, the authors ensure that readers will become proficient in their use and the introduction to a range academic theories. This is a superb starting point for further research.</p>
- Simon Warburton,
This book is not intended only for headteachers, but other kinds of leaders in school too, such as curriculum leaders. The writing style is very engaging; itâ˛s not over-chatty, but neither is it as dry as dust. What is especially refreshing is that it takes a pragmatic view of things. For instance, are you a leader or a manager? In practice, people tend to be a bit of both. The authorâ˛s pragmatism may be seen in the kind of topics covered: managing budgets, managing change, managing time, teams and others. Many theories are drawn upon, and are presented in small helpings, usually with bullet points. Case studies of true stories but with names changed serve to both illustrate theories and provide material for theoretical analysis - and the lists of the kinds of people to be found in leadership positions should convince you that, whatever your situation, you are not alone.
- Terry Freedman,