«All in all, this unique resource provides pragmatic and timely research from experienced professionals who can attest to the benefits that student media involvement has on college students passionate about media production. Undoubtedly, College Media highlights the breadth and depth of heterodox education acquired by student media workers.»
(Charles McKinney, Afterimage May/June 2017)
«Mit College Media erfahren Hochschulmedien endlich die Beachtung, die sie in Anbetracht ihrer Produktivität längst verdient haben. Denn Hochschulmedien als Forschungsfeld sind in der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft stark unterrepräsentiert. [...] Diese Herausgeberschrift kann als Grundlagenwerk für aktive Hochschulmedienmacher_innen gesehen werden.»
(Charmaine Voigt, MEDIENwissenschaft 02-03/2018)
Biographical note
Gregory Adamo (Ph.D., Rutgers University) is Associate Professor in the School of Global Journalism and Communication at Morgan State University. He is the author of African Americans in Television: Behind the Scenes (Peter Lang, 2010).
Allan DiBiase (EdD., Rutgers University) is retired. During his career he taught disciplinary philosophy at the City University of New York; philosophy of education at Plymouth State University and philosophy of art and culture in the Doctor of Arts Program at Franklin Pierce University in New Hampshire.