<i>‘At last! Here is a research rich and conceptually coherent account of two interlinked policy domains that have scarcely featured in either the Europeanisation or higher education literature. Such a book is needed. During the last decade, a European Higher Education Area has emerged and EU higher education and research are now strategic issues for EU growth and innovation policies. The book offers a convincing demonstration of why policy evolves in different ways, even in related policy areas. The eight case studies, written by established scholars and rising academic stars, point up the clash of institutionally embedded tensions in EU policy-making. These tensions are sector-specific. But, thanks to the comparative nature of the study, we can also appreciate a historical dimension to tensions of governance. This explains why in some cases European integration is accepted, in others treated with suspicion. This is a breakthrough book and as such is warmly recommended for both European studies and higher education studies teachers, researchers and students.’</i>
- Anne Corbett author of Universities and the Europe of Knowledge: Ideas, Institutions and Policy Entrepreneurship in European Union Higher Education Policy and former Visiting Fellow, European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK,
<i>‘This rich text is highly recommended as it adds significantly to our understanding of European knowledge policy and the institutions by which that policy is governed.’</i>
- Journal of Contemporary European Research,