Philologists aiming to reconstruct the grammar of ancient languages
face the problem that the available data always underdetermine
grammar, and in the case of gaps, possible mistakes, and
idiosyncracies there are no native speakers to consult. The authors of
this volume overcome this difficulty by adopting the methodology that
a child uses in the course of language acquisition: they interpret the
data they have access to in terms of Universal Grammar (more
precisely, in terms of a hypothetical model of UG). Their studies,
discussing syntactic and morphosyntactic questions of Older Egyptian,
Coptic, Sumerian, Akkadian, Biblical Hebrew, Classical Greek, Latin,
and Classical Sanskrit, demonstrate that descriptive problems which
have proved unsolvable for the traditional, inductive approach can be
reduced to the interaction of regular operations and constraints of
UG. The proposed analyses also bear on linguistic theory. They provide
crucial new data and new generalizations concerning such basic
questions of generative syntax as discourse-motivated movement
operations, the correlation of movement and agreement, a shift from
lexical case marking to structural case marking, the licensing of
structural case in infinitival constructions, the structure of
coordinate phrases, possessive constructions with an external
possessor, and the role of event structure in syntax. In addition to
confirming or refuting certain specific hypotheses, they also provide
empirical evidence of the perhaps most basic tenet of generative
theory, according to which UG is part of the genetic endowment of the
human species - i.e., human languages do not "develop" parallel with
the development of human civilization. Some of the languages examined
in this volume were spoken as much as 5000 years old, still their
grammars do not differ in any relevant respect from the grammars of
languages spoken today.
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1. utgave
De Gruyter Mouton
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