Biographical note
Riccardo Moratto is Distinguished Professor (特聘教授) at the School of Foreign Studies (SFS), Tongji University, Director of the International Center for Intercultural Studies (ICIS) at Tongji University, Deputy Director of the Research Center for National Discourse and Global Communication, and AIIC member. Professor Moratto is executive editor of the International Journal of Translation and Communication, editor-in-chief of Interpreting Studies for Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press (外教社), and general editor of two Routledge series. Professor Moratto is a Chartered Linguist and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (FCIL), a polyglot, an international conference interpreter and renowned literary translator.
Lay Hoon Ang is Associate Professor at Universiti Putra Malaysia. Her research interests include applied linguistics, Chinese studies, and translation. She was a visiting professor at Fuzhou University, China, and a visiting scholar at Portland State University, USA. She is also an appointed visiting researcher at the Research Institute of National Cultural Development, Wuhan University, China.