The main strength of this collection of papers lies in the careful and detailed reviews of the literature provided in the introduction as well as in each individual chapter. The editors put together a wellrounded collection of papers from frameworks as different as conversation analysis and interactional linguistics, discourse analysis and critical discourse analysis, ethnography, and grounded theory. The variety of methodologies and frameworks employed makes for a real and valuable dialogue beyond theoretical traditions. Another strong point of the volume is that all chapters bring to light data that is very interesting to see for itself and in its variety.
- Marine Riou, Université Lyon 2, on Linguist List 30.3373 (6 September 2019),
This book will be useful for scholars and graduate level courses in technology, communication, sociolinguistics, and discourse analysis, as well as those with a focus on customer service and related business areas. All of the chapters made a positive contribution to the volume.
- Angela Cora Garcia, Bentley University, in Journal of Pragmatics 155 (2020),