1. Editors and contributors; 2. Foreword: Space and time in languages, cultures, and cognition (by Jaszczolt, Katarzyna M.); 3. Introduction: Linguistic, cultural, and cognitive approaches to space and time (by Filipovic, Luna); 4. Part I. Linguistic and conceptual representation of events; 5. 1. Event-based time intervals in an Amazonian culture (by Silva Sinha, Vera da); 6. 2. Vagueness in event times: An epistemic solution (by Huang, Minyao); 7. 3. Aspectual coercions in content composition (by Asher, Nicholas); 8. 4. Back to the future: Just where are forthcoming events located? (by Wallington, Alan M.); 9. Part II. Cultural perspectives on space and time; 10. 5. The "Russian" attitude to time (by Apresjan, Valentina); 11. 6. Two temporalities of the Mongolian wolf hunter (by Charlier, Bernard); 12. 7. Koromu temporal expressions: Semantic and cultural perspectives (by Priestley, Carol); 13. 8. Universals and specifics of 'time' in Russian (by Gladkova, Anna); 14. Part III. Conceptualizing spatio-temporal relations; 15. 9. Linguistic manifestations of the space-time (dis)analogy (by Langacker, Ronald W.); 16. 10. Vectors and frames of reference: Evidence from Seri and Yucatec (by Bohnemeyer, Jurgen); 17. 11. Verbal and gestural expression of motion in French and Czech (by Fibigerova, Katerina); 18. 12. Language-specific effects on lexicalisation and memory of motion events (by Filipovic, Luna); 19. 13. Space and time in episodic memory: Philosophical and developmental perspectives (by Russell, James); 20. 14. Conceptualizing the present through construal aspects: The case of the English temporal constructions (by Drozdz, Grzegorz); 21. 15. From perception of spatial artefacts to metaphorical meaning (by Johansson Falck, Marlene); 22. Contents of the companion volume: Linguistic diversity; 23. Name index; 24. Subject index; 25. Language index
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