"As an overview of the current status of semiotic understanding, and as apersonal introduction to Thomas A. Sebeok for those unable to meet him prior to his death in 2001, the volume is indispensable. "The dynamic of semiotics is immense in scope," writes Sebeok "seemingly all-encompassing" (1986: x). Since, as Deely brings to our attention (134), even experienced objects presuppose signs, to neglect semiotics is no mere rejection of culture-bound speculation. Thanks in large part to Sebeok's contributions, human understanding now has a viable (and congruent) way to bridge the chasm between nature and culture."Jamin Pelkey in: Linguist List 23.733
Biographical note
Paul Cobley, London Metropolitan University, UK; John Deely, University of St. Thomas, Houston, USA; Kalevi Kull, University of Tartu, Estonia; Susan Petrilli, University of Bari, Italy.