This collection certainly is essential reading for all those who are interested in related topics such as right-wing politics, populism, extremism and racism. <i>Right-wing Populism in Europe: Politics and Discourse</i> represents, therefore, a noteworthy contribution to the growing literature on far-right movements and parties, as well on populism. The authors deserve credit for this well-written book and their engagement with such pervasive and ubiquitous trends.
- Paolo Cossarinia, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Democratization
[A]mbitious in its scope ... [The book] succeed[s] in offering a range of intriguing case studies that provide a comprehensive overview of contemporary developments.
Patterns of Prejudice
With the current surge of right-wing populism in Europe this book is a key contribution to the critical discourse analysis on this frightening development. Its coverage of the various parts and countries of Europe by local experts is as complete as it is thorough, and offers the necessary basis for both national as well as international debate. A crucial text for all scholars and students in the social sciences in general, and in discourse studies and political science in particular.
Teun A. van Dijk, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain
This is an important collection of essays which shows why we should be very concerned about the viral spread of right-wing populism across Europe. Uniquely, it dissects the anatomy of the phenomenon in different national contexts and it exposes its affective and discursive power - one that cannot be lightly dismisses as crackpot or marginal.
Ash Amin, Professor of Geography at Cambridge University, UK
[The] strength of <i>Right-Wing Populism in Europe</i> comes from the development of sociological and political perspectives with multi-modal analyses addressing the central problems of how to deal with RWP in Europe.
Insight Turkey