A timely addition to the growing field of research into Irish English (IrE) from a pragmatic perspective. This volume, which consists of 18 chapters and an introduction, offers fresh insights into a wide range of pragmatic markers (PMs), both traditional and non-traditional, which appear in varieties of English spoken in Ireland. [...] Indeed, given the variety of PMs under investigation and the diversity of the corpora in which they were found, I expect this collection to be a touchstone for future research on pragmatic markers from an international perspective.
- Shane Walshe, University of Zurich, in English World-Wide 38:1 (2017),
It will no doubt be valuable to students and scholars working on prototypical and less prototypical (and indeed sometimes little-known) pragmatic markers in IrE. It will be especially relevant for those interested in topics such as regional and sociolinguistic variation in the use of pragmatic markers, their discourse functions and indexicality, as well as their provenance, historical development and L2 acquisitional patterns. More broadly, the volume will also be of interest to anyone wishing to explore the pragmatics of IrE.
- Irina Pandarova, Leuphana Universität, in Corpus Pragmatics Vol. 70:1 (2017),