A coherent, well-structured and useful collection of authoritative overview articles as well as many specific studies ... The overview articles of the individual parts are state-of-the-art, the great majority of the topic-specific papers are helpful introductions to voluminous literatures and/or complex issues, and the language-specific studies will be valuable sources of reference for years to come.
Fernando Zúñiga, Studies in Language
...anyone who wishes to understand the phenomenon of case from any point of view will find something of interest...
Leofranc Holford-Stevens, London Review of Books
The Oxford Handbook of Case (despite occasional, mainly technical, flaws) measures up to the most exacting standards and could serve in many respects as a model for handbooks of this sort. It will undoubtedly prove an invaluable resource not only to professional linguists but particularly to a very wide circle of students.
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