In a suitable reflection of Kees de Bot's wide-ranging interests, this volume presents a vast range of topics, methodologies and theoretical concerns at the cutting edge of bilingualism studies. A must-read for anyone interested in the state of the art of bilingualism.
- Marianne Gullberg, University of Lund,
Over the last two decades, bilingualism has been drawn into the focus of psycholinguistics, not in the least by Kees De Bot's contributions. This anthology beams the contagious enthusiasm of distinguished leaders in this field. I was impressed by the great variety and sophistication of their contributions.
- Willem Levelt, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen,
The articles in this expertly put together volume represent some of the best and most innovative psycholinguistic studies of bilingualism. The original ideas that are put forward in the studies will have a fundamental impact on the field for many years to come.
- Li Wei, University of London,
An extremely interesting and very rich overview of twenty years of research and modelling in the field of bilingualism. A most worthy tribute to Kees de Bot's own very varied, often pioneering, contribution to the study of bilingualism, in particular in the field of L1 and L2 attrition.
- Theo van Els, Radboud University Nijmegen,
This volume properly celebrates Kees de Bot's long-standing influence upon psycholinguistic research into bilingualism. Key articles on language processing, lexical access, working memory, literacy, language attrition, code-switching, aging, semantics and language production illustrate just how vibrant this research is. An excellent overview of bilingual psycholinguistics and of Dynamic Systems approaches.
- Nick Ellis, University of Michigan,