This book collects virtually all research perspectives on metaphor in the field of cognitive linguistics. Moreover, it presents a comprehensive range of research methods for metaphor including qualitative and quantitative methods and the combination of the two. For example, critical metaphor analysis, metaphor interpretation, metaphor experiments, neuro method, and so on are all explained in detail.
This book collects virtually all research perspectives on metaphor in the field of cognitive linguistics. For example, critical metaphor analysis, metaphor interpretation, metaphor experiments, neuro method, and so on are all explained in detail.
Chapter 1. Language, Metaphor and Cognition.- Chapter 2. Alternative Theory.- Chapter 3. Comparative Theory.- Chapter 4. Interaction Theory.- Chapter 5. Innovation Theory.- Chapter 6. Conduit Metaphor.- Chapter 7. Conceptual Metaphor.- Chapter 8. Basic Metaphor.- Chapter 9. Poetic Metaphor.- Chapter 10. Root Metaphor.- Chapter 11. Speech Act and Original Meaning.- Chapter 12. Metaphor Understanding.- Chapter 13. Calculation Theory.- Chapter 14. Metaphor and Style.- Chapter 15. Grammar Metaphor.- Chapter 16. Halliday's Model of Grammar Metaphor.- Chapter 17. New Discovery of Scientific Theory and New Thinking in Linguistics.- Chapter 18. Development of Chinese Metaphor Theory.
This book collects virtually all research perspectives on metaphor in the field of cognitive linguistics. Moreover, it presents a comprehensive range of research methods for metaphor including qualitative and quantitative methods and the combination of the two. For example, critical metaphor analysis, metaphor interpretation, metaphor experiments, neuro method, and so on are all explained in detail.
Biographical note
Zhuanglin Hu is a distinguished linguistics professor at Peking University, the leading Chinese university for the humanities and social sciences. He has published more than one hundred articles in areas such as text, discourse, language teaching, and cognitive linguistics.