Interdisciplinarity strives to create new knowledge by integrating elements from different disciplines --methods, models, concepts-- in the service of a broader and more complete understanding of the complex phenomena scientists study. Interdisciplinarity also should act to challenge the "borders" of disciplines, to help scholars understand that complex phenomena like translation and interpreting can only be understood by moving deliberately into the space at the juncture of multiple disciplines. These noble goals are often touted, but not often achieved. This book, <i>Interdisciplinarity in Translation and Interpreting Process Research</i>, is a true and successful effort in interdisciplinarity. It successfully combines insights from cognitive science, psychology, sociology, neuro-linguistics, bilingualism and other fields to explore and, more importantly, expand the disciplinary boundaries of Translation Studies.
- Gregory Shreve, Kent State University,
This volume provides an insightful and inspiring overview of the interdisciplinary work done in translation and interpreting process research. Individual contributions not only discuss what has been borrowed from other disciplines but also suggest promising areas for future collaboration and describe concrete examples of interdisciplinary research projects. Essential reading for anyone intrigued by the complexities of translation and interpreting.
- Riitta Jääskeläinen, University of Eastern Finland,
This volume [...] constitutes a valuable contribution to anyone interested in Interdisciplinarity and Translation Studies, even beyond Translation Process Research, mainly due to the richness of options provided. It may be treated as a methodological toolbox for a large variety of research occasions by both seasoned scholars and younger ones. What is more, this volume serves as an open invitation to scholars from other disciplines.
- Kyriaki Kourouni, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, on JoSTrans, Issue 26, July 2016.,
The maturity of process studies, and of translation studies at large, will ultimately give the translation process domain an equal status to other domains, and involve it in truly reciprocal interdisciplinary partnerships. This book takes an important step in that direction.
- Wei Su, Xiamen University, in Target 29:1 (2017),
The editors of this volume have brought together a body of high quality work that firmly establishes translation and interpreting process research and cognitive translation and interpreting studies as a locus of rapid development and innovation. Not only is the work forward-looking: it also clearly demonstrates that the interdisciplinarity cart is now firmly behind the translation and interpreting studies horse. This is clear throughout the volume as translational issues drive both theoretical and methodological advancement.
- Sandra L. Halverson, NHH Norwegian School of Economics,