Biographical note
Xinghua Liu, PhD., is an Associate Professor at School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Reading, UK and completed his post-doctorate training in writing research at Arizona State University, USA. His research interests include psychology of written production, linguistic profile of English-language learners’ written corpus, and validation of effective writing interventions. He serves on the editorial boards of International Journal of TESOL Studies and International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching. He is currently a member of the steering committee for International Society for the Advancement of Writing Research.
Michael Hebert, PhD., is an Associate Professor at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) and Director of the UCI Writing Project. His interests include the impacts of writing on reading, writing assessment, and the development of writing interventions. Dr. Hebert co-authored two influential Carnegie Corporation reports: Writing to Read and Informing Writing, and he was the co-editor of Best Practices in Writing Instruction, third edition. He is also the Primary Investigator for a Pandemic Recovery grant from the Institute of Education Sciences to accelerate reading achievement in rural Nebraska schools. He serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Educational Psychology. Dr. Hebert was previously a classroom teacher and reading specialist in schools in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, California, and the Navajo Nation.
Rui A. Alves is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Porto. His main research interests are the cognitive and affective processes in writing, which he studies using experimental methods and logging tools. He and his team have studied the development of text production using an own–developed handwriting logging software (HandSpy) and developed many evidence-based writing interventions addressing cognitive, motivational, and self-regulatory aspects of writing. He serves on several editorial boards and is an Associate Editor of the journal Reading & Writing, Springer. Currently, he is the interim coordinator of the European Literacy Network, ELN, and serves on the executive boards of ISAWR and EARLI.