1. Foreword; 2. Rethinking the History of Language Science in Classical Antiquity (by Taylor, Daniel J.); 3. Quadripertita Ratio: Bemerkungen zur Geschichte eines aktuellen Kategoriensystems (adiectio - detractio - transmutatio - immutatio) (by Ax, Wolfram); 4. La 'troisieme partie' de l'ars grammatica (by Baratin, Marc); 5. Apollonius and Maximus on the Order and Meaning of the Oblique Cases (by Blank, David L.); 6. Gellio grammatico e i suoi rapporti con l'ars grammatica romana (by Cavazza, Franco); 7. Stoic Syntax and Semantics (by Egli, Urs); 8. Genera verborum quot sunt?: Observations on the Roman Grammatical Tradition (by Hovdhaugen, Even); 9. Islands in the Stream: The Grammarians of Late Antiquity (by Kaster, Robert A.); 10. The Tekhne Grammatike of Dionysius Thrax: English Translation with Introduction and Notes (by Kemp, J. Alan); 11. Late Latin Grammars in the Early Middle Ages: A Typological History (by Law, Vivien A.); 12. Wie modern war die varronische Etymologie? (by Pfaffel, Wilhelm); 13. Herkunft und Entwicklung des terminus technicus piepsilon iodeltao : Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Entstehung von Fachterminologien (by Siebenborn, Elmar); 14. Latinitas, Hellenismos, 'Arabiyya (by Versteegh, Kees); 15. Master List of References; 16. Index Nominum Antiquorum
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