This book employs discursive psychology to examine how far-right discourse on issues related to multiculturalism is received, interpreted, adapted and contested in political rhetoric and informal talk. It brings together the latest research from sociology and media studies concerning the circulation of far-right messages in the era of digitalization and the ‘hybrid media system’, and critical discursive psychology research into political and lay discourse pertaining to multiculturalism. Drawing on empirical material from the Nordic context allows for an analysis of political discourse within societies in which a strong tradition of social democratic welfare states now exists alongside the rise of populist and far-right parties. Operating in countries with comparatively high national internet and social media penetration, this book explores the extent to which the success of these parties is linked to their skilful use of social media, in order to mobilise popular support for their political agendas.  The collection’s multilevel perspective aims to further the understanding of how the anti-immigration and anti-multiculturalist ideologies propagated by these parties contributes to the mainstreaming of their rhetoric among the political ‘elite’, as well as to the societal normalization of nationalist and xenophobic discourse. In doing so it will provide fresh insights for students and scholars of sociology, social psychology, discourse analysis, media and communication, and political science.
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Chapter 1: Introduction: The far-right discourse on multiculturalism in intergroup interactions.- Chapter 2: Mobilising gender equality and protectionism in Finnish parliamentary sessions and online discussions around immigration: An intersectional and critical discursive psychological analysis.- Chapter 3: Underdogs Shepherding the Flock – Discursive outgrouping of the internal enemy in action.- Chapter 4: A critical discursive psychological study of Dialogical Constructions of Hate-speech in Established Media and Online Discussions.- Chapter 5: Trying to Ignore the Bullies and the Buzz: a critical discursive study of How Pro-Migration Activists Cope With and Contest Right-Wing Nationalist Interference.- Chapter 6: Making enemies: Reactive dynamics of discursive polarization.- Chapter 7: From angry monologues to engaged dialogue? On self-reflexivity, critical discursive psychology and studying polarised conflict.- Chapter 8: Affective visual rhetoric and discursive practices of the far-right across social media.- Chapter 9: “A counterforce against hate”: A discursive analysis of affective practices in mobilization against the radical right in a context of white innocence.- Chapter 10: Concluding remarks: The future of multiculturalism?.- Index.
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This book employs discursive psychology to examine how far-right discourse on issues related to multiculturalism is received, interpreted, adapted and contested in political rhetoric and informal talk. It brings together the latest research from sociology and media studies concerning the circulation of far-right messages in the era of digitalization and the ‘hybrid media system’, and critical discursive psychology research into political and lay discourse pertaining to multiculturalism. Drawing on empirical material from the Nordic context allows for an analysis of political discourse within societies in which a strong tradition of social democratic welfare states now exists alongside the rise of populist and far-right parties. Operating in countries with comparatively high national internet and social media penetration, this book explores the extent to which the success of these parties is linked to their skilful use of social media, in order to mobilise popular support for their political agendas.  The collection’s multilevel perspective aims to further the understanding of how the anti-immigration and anti-multiculturalist ideologies propagated by these parties contributes to the mainstreaming of their rhetoric among the political ‘elite’, as well as to the societal normalization of nationalist and xenophobic discourse. In doing so it will provide fresh insights for students and scholars of sociology, social psychology, discourse analysis, media and communication, and political science.Katarina Pettersson is Lecturer in Social Psychology for the Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki, Finland. Pettersson has worked extensively on issues relating to nationalist and right-wing populist rhetoric, political discourse, political hate-speech and online political communication. Currently, she is engaged in international projects involving social and political scientists across Europe, focusing on the rise of radical right-wing populism in the Nordic countries and Europe at large.Emma Nortio is Researcher in Social Psychology at the University of Helsinki, Finland. Her research has focused on the lay discourses of intergroup relations on- and offline. Currently, Nortio is involved in a project that brings social scientists and artists together to examine polarisation and dialogue in the context of migration and to develop methodological approaches combining artistic and scientific practices.
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“At a time when populist and far-right rhetoric so permeate the public sphere, this is a book for the 'must-read' list. Carefully dissecting language and imagery, those contributing to this edited volume take a serious look at the digital world and provide an interdisciplinary masterclass on how to explore contemporary rhetorical attacks on multiculturalism and the options for counter-argument.” Professor Nick Hopkins, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, UK “As the social sciences come to terms with the realisation that ‘old-fashioned’ racism may be depressingly prevalent in the third decade of the 21st century, this new and exciting volume presents a collection of fascinating analyses of the intertwining of discourses of race, racism and multiculturalism in the online and offline contexts of contemporary political debate.  Drawing on the tools of critical discursive and rhetorical psychology, the authors shed light on how thelanguage of extremism and exclusion is enacted, reproduced and reinforced, but also how it can be challenged and resisted.  It will be essential reading for scholars interested in matters of race and racism, the stubborn persistence of the far right, and in the analysis of political discourse more broadly.” Professor Stephen Gibson, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom “In the current cultural and political conjuncture it is more important than ever to analyse the discursive formations and affective practices which sustain right wing extremism. This richly layered exposition of contemporary research from leading scholars is essential reading for all those who seek to understand the power of populism and far right discourse.” Margaret Wetherell  Emerita Professor, The University of Auckland, New Zealand and The Open University, UK
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Provides a timely contribution to examinations of today’s changing politics, new forms of political rhetoric Demonstrates what discursive psychology can contribute to the study of far-right, populist Employs a multilevel perspective to examine both political rhetoric and the societal normalization
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Springer Nature Switzerland AG
210 mm
148 mm
Research, P, 06
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Biographical note

Katarina Pettersson is Lecturer in Social Psychology for the Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki, Finland. Pettersson has worked extensively on issues relating to nationalist and right-wing populist rhetoric, political discourse, political hate-speech and online political communication. Currently, she is engaged in international projects involving social and political scientists across Europe, focusing on the rise of radical right-wing populism in the Nordic countries and Europe at large.

Emma Nortio is Researcher in Social Psychology at the University of Helsinki, Finland. Her research has focused on the lay discourses of intergroup relations on- and offline. Currently, Nortio is involved in a project that brings social scientists and artists together to examine polarisation and dialogue in the context of migration and to develop methodological approaches combining artistic and scientific practices.