Keller′s book is a very complete introduction to discourse theory and discourse analysis for social science postgraduates. After reading it, you are able to say: "with my research questions in mind, thís is the right discourse theory for me, and thís is the right approach to collect and analyse my data." It is rare to come across such a useful textbook, given the enormous variety of approaches to discourse research.<br /><b>Sarah Scheepers<br />K.U. Leuven</b>
<p>This book on doing discourse research is fascinating and important. It brings the doing of research into a new realm through the use of a comprehensive investigative framework that lends itself to educational studies at a time when the widespread use of technology has pushed discourse into new forms of analysis.<br /><b>Linda M. Phillips<br />University of Alberta</b> </p>
<p> </p>
This book is a definite asset for qualitative researchers who plan to use discourse research methodology. One unique feature is an expansive review of philosophers and discourse experts beyond the usual array of European leaders...In summary, qualitative researchers seeking a philosophically grounded introduction to discourse analysis and discourse researchers alike will benefit from reading this book. It offers rich and varied insights about discourse from philosophical, conceptual, linguistic foundations as a starting point for discourse analysis.
- Kathleen Shannon Dorcy,
Recent decades have witnessed a growing interest in the study of discourse in a wide range of disciplines across the social sciences and humanities... In this volume, Keller succeeds in providing a timely and succinct introduction to the basic principles and practical research strategies in discourse studies.
- Song Guo, School of Foreign Languages, Tianjin University of Commerce, P.R. China,