1. Preface; 2. The Discourse Studies Reader. An Introduction (by Angermuller, Johannes); 3. 1. Theoretical Inspirations: Structuralism versus Pragmatics; 4. Introduction; 5. Ferdinand de Saussure: The value of the sign; 6. 1959[1906-1911]. Course in General Linguistics, translated by Wade Baskin, selected 114-117, 120-122. New York: Philosophical Library (by de Saussure, Ferdinand); 7. Mikhail Bakhtin: Polyphonic discourse in the novel; 8. 1981[1934-1935]. 'Discourse in the Novel'. In The Dialogic Imagination. Four Essays, 259-422, selected 261-265, 268-275. Austin: University of Texas Press (by Bakhtin, Mikhail); 9. Zellig S. Harris: Towards a distributionalist method; 10. 1952. Language, 28 (1): 1-30, selected 1-3, 29-30 (by Harris, Zellig S.); 11. George Herbert Mead: Thought, communication, and the significant symbol; 12. 1934. Mind, Self, and Society from the Standpoint of a Social Behaviorist, edited by Charles W. Morris. Chicago: University of Chicago, selected 68-75 (by Mead, George Herbert); 13. Ludwig Wittgenstein: Communication as a language game; 14. 1997[1953]: Philosophische Untersuchungen / Philosophical Investigations, selected remarks (Bemerkungen) 1-6, 10, 11, 23-26, 29, 30, 43. Oxford: Blackwell (by Wittgenstein, Ludwig); 15. John L. Austin: Performing speech; 16. 1979[1961]. 'The Meaning of a Word.' In Philosophical Papers, 3rd edition, 55-75, selected 56-62, 72-75. Oxford: Oxford University Press (by Austin, John L.); 17. H. Paul Grice: Using language to mean something; 18. 1957. 'Meaning.' Philosophical Review 66: 377-388, presently published by Duke University Press (by Grice, H. Paul); 19. 2. From Structuralism to Poststructuralism; 20. Introduction; 21. Jacques Lacan: The divided subject; 22. 1970-1971. Seminar XVIII. On a discourse that might not be a semblance. selected 1-8. Online source, translated by Cormac Gallagher (by Lacan, Jacques); 23. Louis Althusser: The subjectivity effect of discourse; 24. 2003[1966]. 'Three Notes on the Theory of Discourses.' In The Humanist Controversy and Other Writings (1966-67), 33-84, selected 47-53. London, New York: Verso. (by Althusser, Louis); 25. Michel Pecheux: From ideology to discourse; 26. 1975. 'Mises au point et perspectives a propos de l'analyse automappptique du discours.' Langages 37: 7-80, selected 7-16, 20-22. Anonymous translator (by Pecheux, Michel); 27. Michel Foucault: An archaeology of discourse; 28. 2001[1968]. 'Reponse a une question.' In Dits et ecrits, I, 701-723, selected 702-715. Paris: Gallimard. Anonymous translator. (by Foucault, Michel); 29. Stuart Hall: Encoding and decoding the message; 30. 1980[1973]. 'Encoding, decoding.' In Culture, Media, Language. Working Papers in Cultural Studies, 1972-1979, ed. by Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, 128-138. London: Routledge (by Hall, Stuart); 31. Ernesto Laclau: The impossibility of society; 32. 1990. 'The Impossibility of Society.' In New Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time, 89-92. London, New York: Verso (by Laclau, Ernesto); 33. Judith Butler: Speaking to the postcolonial Other; 34. 2008. 'Violence, Nonviolence. Sartre on Fanon.' In Race after Sartre, ed. by Jonathan Judaken, 211-232, selected 211-215. Albany: SUNY Press (by Butler, Judith); 35. 3. Enunciative Pragmatics; 36. Introduction; 37. Emile Benveniste: The formal apparatus of enunciation; 38. 1970. 'L'appareil formel de l'enonciation.' Langages 17 (5): 12-18, selected 12-18. Anonymous translator. (by Benveniste, Emile); 39. Dominique Maingueneau: The scene of enunciation; 40. 2003. 'La situation d'enonciation entre langue et discours.' In Dix ans de S.D.U., edited by the Association des chercheurs en linguistique francaise, 197-209, selected 198-206. Craiova: Editura Universitaria Craiova (by Maingueneau, Dominique); 41. Jacqueline Authier-Revuz: Enunciative heterogeneity; 42. 1984. 'Heterogeneite(s) enonciative(s).' Langages 73: 98-111, selected 99-107. Anonymous translator (by Authier-Revuz, Jacqueline); 43. Oswald Ducrot: Enunciative polyphony; 44. 1984. Le Dire et le dit. Paris, Minuit, selected 171, 189-192, 203-210. Anonymous translator (by Ducrot, Oswald); 45. Johannes Angermuller: Subject positions in polyphonic discourse; 46. 2014. Poststructuralist Discourse Analysis. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave. (by Angermuller, Johannes); 47. 4. Interactionism; 48. Introduction; 49. Harvey Sacks: Turn-taking in conversations; 50. 1992[1964]. 'Lecture 1. Rules of Conversational Sequence.' In Lectures on Conversation. Vol. I, 3-11. Oxford, Cambridge, MA: Blackwell (by Sacks, Harvey); 51. Erving Goffman: Tacit knowledge in interaction; 52. 1983. 'Felicity's Condition.' American Journal of Sociology 89 (1): 1-53, selected 1-9, 48-51. (by Goffman, Erving); 53. John Gumperz: Intercultural encounters; 54. 1982. Discourse Strategies. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, selected 1-7. (by Gumperz, John J.); 55. Aaron V. Cicourel: Maintaining one's self; 56. 2011. 'The effect of neurodegenerative disease on representations of self in discourse.' Neurocase: The Neural Basis of Cognition 17 (3): 251-259, selected 251-253, 254, 255-256, 257-259 (by Cicourel, Aaron V.); 57. James Paul Gee: Language as saying, doing and being; 58. 2010. An Introduction to Discourse Analysis. Theory and Method. 3rd edition. New York, London: Routledge, selected 2-10. (by Gee, James Paul); 59. Jonathan Potter: Discourse and social psychology; 60. 2012. 'Re-reading Discourse and Social Psychology: Transforming social psychology' British Journal of Social Psychology 51(3): 436-455, selected 436-438, 442, 443-444, 446-447, 448-450. (by Potter, Jonathan); 61. 5. Sociopragmatics; 62. Introduction; 63. Michael A.K. Halliday: Language as social semiotic; 64. 1993[1975]. 'Language as Social Semiotic.' In Language and Literacy, ed. by Janet Maybin, 23-43, selected 23-29. Clevedon: Open University (by Halliday, M.A.K.); 65. Theo van Leeuwen: The representation of actors; 66. 1996. 'The Representation of Social Actors.' In Texts and Practices: Readings in Critical Discourse Analysis, ed. by Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard & Malcolm Coulthard, 32-70, selected 32-36, 36-42. London: Routledge (by Leeuwen, Theo van); 67. Konrad Ehlich: Text and discourse; 68. 1987. 'Text and Discourse: A plea for clarity in analysis and terminology.' In Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Linguistics, ed. by Bahner, Schildt, and Viehweger, 2050-2052. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. (by Ehlich, Konrad); 69. Patrick Charaudeau: Discourse strategies and the constraints of communication; 70. 2002. 'A communicative conception of discourse.' Discourse studies 4 (3): 301-318, selected 301-302, 309-316 (by Charaudeau, Patrick); 71. Ruth Amossy: Argumentation and discourse analysis; 72. 2008. 'Argumentation et Analyse du discours: perspectives theoriques et decoupages disciplinaires.' Argumentation et Analyse du discours [online], 1, selected paragraphs 1-18. Access 6.9.2008, http://aad.revues.org/200. Anonymous translator. (by Amossy, Ruth); 73. John Swales: Genre and discourse community; 74. 1990. Genre analysis: English in academic and research settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, selected 45-47, 52-60 (by Swales, John M.); 75. 6. Historical Knowledge; 76. Introduction; 77. Regine Robin: History and linguistics; 78. 1973. Histoire et linguistique. Paris: Armand Colin, selected 21-26. Anonymous translator (by Robin, Regine); 79. Reinhart Koselleck: Conceptual history; 80. 1994. 'Some Reflections on the Temporal Structure of Conceptual Change.' In Main Trends in Cultural History. Ten Essays, ed. by Willem Melching & Wyger Velema, 7-16, selected 7-8, 10-16. Amsterdam: Rodopi (by Koselleck, Reinhart); 81. Dietrich Busse and Wolfgang Teubert: Using corpora for historical semantics; 82. 1994. 'Ist Diskurs ein sprachwissenschaftliches Objekt? Zur Methodenfrage der historischen Semantik.' In Begriffsgeschichte und Diskursgeschichte, ed. by Dietrich Busse, Fritz Hermanns, and Wolfgang Teubert, 10-28, selected 10-19. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag. Translated by Chris Newton and Johannes Angermuller. (by Busse, Dietrich); 83. Thomas Luckmann: Communicative genres; 84. 1985. 'Grundformen der gesellschaftlichen Vermittlung des Wissens: Kommunikative Gattungen.' In Kultur und Gesellschaft, ed. by Friedhelm Neidhardt, M. Rainer Lepsius, and Johannes Weiss, 191-211, selected 200-211. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag. Translated and adapted by Chris Newton and Johannes Angermuller (by Luckmann, Thomas); 85. 7. Critical approaches; 86. Introduction; 87. Jurgen Habermas: A normative conception of discourse; 88. 2001. 'Reflections on the Linguistic Foundation of Sociology: The Christian Gauss Lecture, Princeton University, February-March 1971.' In On the Pragmatics of Social Interaction. Preliminary Studies in the Theory of Communicative Action, 1-105, selected 100-105. Cambridge: Polity/Oxford: Blackwell (by Habermas, Jurgen); 89. Jan Blommaert and Jef Verschueren: A pragmatics of the cultural other; 90. 1998. Debating Diversity. Analysing the Discourse of Tolerance. London: Routledge, selected 32-38 (by Blommaert, Jan); 91. Norman Fairclough: A critical agenda for education; 92. 2004. 'Semiotic aspects of social transformation and learning.' In An Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis in Education, ed. by R. Rogers, 225-235. Lawrence Erlbaum (by Fairclough, Norman); 93. Teun A. van Dijk: Discourse, cognition, society; 94. 2009. 'Critical Discourse Studies: A Sociocognitive Approach.' In Methods for Critical Discourse Analysis, ed. by Ruth Wodak & Michael Meyer, 62-86, selected 62-67, 75-80. London: Sage. (by Dijk, Teun A. van); 95. Ruth Wodak: Discourses of exclusion: Xenophobia, eacism and anti-Semitism; 96. 2007. 'Pragmatics and Critical Discourse Analysis. A cross-disciplinary Analysis.' Pragmatics and Cognition, 15 (1): 203-225, selected 203-207, 215-218 (by Wodak, Ruth); 97. Index
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