This volume opens up an important and enlightening dialogue between Western and Chinese scholars on the applicability of critical discourse analysis in China.
- Theo van Leeuwen, University of Technology, Sydney,
The seven chapters in <i>Discourse and Socio-political Transformations in Contemporary China</i> are sure to benefit students and researchers who are interested in discourse studies and social science with a clear theoretical focus and practical applications. The studies in this volume are qualitative in nature with a wide coverage of topics ranging from politics, economics, education and media, to social relations and social interactions.
- Mailihaba Aolan, Zhejiang University, China, in Pragmatics and Society Vol. 6:2 (2015),
With its political-economic ascendancy, China is catching ever-growing international attention and imagination. Intercultural dialogue and critique will be not only necessary but also productive. This enlightening collection by authors at the forefront of their fields meets exactly that need, and more – a major resource in the study of contemporary China’s discourses.
- Shi-xu, Zhejiang University, China,