This thought-provoking book is truly crossing borders in its themes, locations, and researcher profiles. It shows convincingly the range and span of the linguistic and social issues that writers from diverse backgrounds face when entering new contexts and facing new circumstances and genres. A must-read for all those teaching and evaluating writing.
Anne Pitkänen-Huhta, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
The authors know firsthand what it means to cross borders and struggle to master the writing conventions of a new language and community to become fully participating members of that community. Their research elucidates the multifaceted challenges that people in this situation face, and offers valuable insights into how these challenges can be addressed and overcome.
Scott Jarvis, University of Utah, USA
<p>Every chapter concludes with recommendations for heightened awareness and modifications to pedagogical practice, so the book will be a valuable resource for anyone engaged in teaching or assessing academic writing, and particularly those involved in designing writing assessments.</p>
Peter Beech, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China, IATEFL Voices, Issue 289
<p>...this concise but informative volume adds to our understanding of the various challenges L2 learners face in academic writing and the actions required to help them succeed academically [...] The volume successfully showed the challenges faced by FL/L2 students in crossing the borders of academic Western literacy conventions [...] this book is highly recommended to writing instructors, postgraduate supervisors, researchers, raters and administrators interested in developing the academic writing of learners of additional languages.</p>
Orlando Chaves Varon and María Eugenia Guapacha Chamorro, Universidad del Valle, Colombia, System 112, 2023
Biographical note
Anne Golden is an Emeritus Professor of Second Language Acquisition at MultiLing, the University of Oslo, Norway.
Lars Anders Kulbrandstad is an Emeritus Professor of Norwegian at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences and a Senior Professor of Swedish as a Second Language at Karlstad University, Sweden.
Lawrence Jun Zhang is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Auckland, New Zealand.