Paul Meara is the world's leading researcher in modelling vocabulary knowledge and his work has been essential in guiding research and as a check on the findings of other research approaches. This book will be required reading for researchers and students of second language vocabulary acquisition.
- Paul Nation, Victoria University of Welling, New Zealand,
<i>Connected Words: Word Associations and Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition</i> should be read by researchers in the field of second language vocabulary acquisition, persons interested in word associations, and more generally, by anyone who would like to see how an original thinker has approached solving complex linguistic problems. Whether you agree with Meara’s approaches to the fundamental issues he has investigated over his 30-year career or not, you will likely find it difficult not to learn something—and perhaps a great many things—from this historical account of the research path followed by one of the most influential researchers in the field of SLVA. This is an important book that should be read by anyone interested in the second-language lexicon.
- David Belgar, Temple University, Japanese Campus, in JALT 33(1): 77-79, 2011,