The goal of this volume is to further the examination of the role, shape, and quality of argumentation in political deliberation. The chapters collected in the volume employ the concepts and methods developed within argumentation theory to investigate the specifics of political discourse across various deliberative arenas: from debates in the European Parliament, consensus conferences and public hearings in France, discussions in Dutch online forums, to exchanges of comments in online versions of British newspapers. In this way, the studies reveal the inner workings of argumentative interactions that constitute deliberative discourse – and thus importantly contribute to the study of public deliberation. This should be of interest to the students of argumentation, deliberation, and political discourse. In addition, the volume problematizes and theorizes some vital issues related to the study of situated argumentation, thus advancing the study of argumentation in context.Originally published in Journal of Argumentation in Context, Vol. 2:1 (2013).
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1. Introduction; 2. Articles; 3. Strategic maneuvering in argumentative discourse in political deliberation (by Eemeren, Frans H. van); 4. Strategic maneuvering in European Parliamentary Debate (by Garssen, Bart); 5. Pursuing multiple goals in European Parliamentary Debates: EU immigration policies as a case in point (by Mohammed, Dima); 6. The place of counter discourse in two methods of public deliberation: The conference de citoyens and the debat public on nanotechnologies in France (by Doury, Marianne); 7. Deliberation digitized: Designing disagreement space through communication-information services (by Aakhus, Mark); 8. (How) do participants in online discussion forums create 'echo chambers'?: The inclusion and exclusion of dissenting voices in an online forum about climate change (by Edwards, Arthur); 9. Debating multiple positions in multi-party online deliberation: Sides, positions, and cases (by Lewinski, Marcin); 10. Subject index
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This book applies the perspective of argumentation theory to elucidating the ‘role, shape and quality of argumentation in political deliberation’. We strongly recommend it as a substantial contribution to the growing literature on the study of argumentation in specific contexts, and especially in politics.
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