In sum, the articles in this book offer an excellent reflection of the current state of the field, even without aiming at comprehensive coverage. All of the authors take great care in laying out their data and applying to them a standard series of tests for grammaticality, distinctness of readings, coherency in discourse, and entailment, reflecting excellent standards of empirical argumentation.
Regine Eckardt, University of Göttingen, writing for Project Muse
Another pleasant feature of the overall collection is that all of the authors develop their analyses against a range of background theories in (minimalist) syntax, (truth-conditional) semantics, and compatible pragmatic frameworks that, though all different in focus, could optimistically be viewed as belonging to one homogeneous paradigm. This allows the reader to contrast hypotheses of different chapters with each other. The differences that at times arise from such comparisons will arouse the readers interest in the topic.
Regine Eckardt, University of Göttingen, writing for Project Muse
...hold[s] interest for semanticists, syntacticians and other theoretical linguists alike...
Aniko Csirmaz, Lingustics