'This admirably lucid and concise guide will both provide essential information and stimulate fresh thought about Shakespeare and his works.' Stanley Wells
'5/5 stars: this is probably the only guide you will ever need to Shakespeare and his plays.' The Bookbag
'For students and theatre enthusiasts this Shakespeare guide is a useful resource, providing valuable information for the individual and prompting discussion for groups … I was very impressed by the content, format and style of this authoritative guide.' New Books Magazine
'The Cambridge Shakespeare Guide is a beautifully packaged, perfectly sized and consummately written and informed book that serves as an essential reference guide.' New Books Magazine
'Even the most avid Shakespearean will learn from the spotlight on the works.' The Independent
'I hope this book will find its way onto the shelves of many a Shakespeare enthusiast and into the satchels of many a student. For undergraduates, cramming for the next seminar or tutorial, Emma Smith's guide will, I suspect, become a trusted and valued friend, something you can turn to with a cup a coffee and read on the way to class. For its size and the range of information it offers, I cannot think of a better example of its kind.' Paul Edmondson, Around the Globe