The subtitle declares this a 'student encyclopedia' but there's nothing condescending about the articles or their presentation . . . instead, this is a solid reference for a general audience.
Reference & Research Book News
The word <i>student</i> in the subtitle of this very good five-volume reference set is somewhat misleading, because adult researchers will find <i>World War II: A Student Encyclopedia</i> as suitable as students will. . . . A pleasure to browse through as well as to consult, [the book] would be a welcome addition in most public libraries, particularly those frequented by military history buffs.
Reference & User Services Quarterly
This multivolume series is an indispensable resource for libraries of all stripes. . . . Whle its title seems to target exclusively a student audience, especially at the middle school and secondary school levels, <i>World War II: A Student Encyclopedia</i> would be an invaluable asset for community libraries as well as post-secondary institutions.
American Reference Books Annual