A brilliant exercise in unmasking liberal pretensions, surveying over three centuries with magisterial command of the sources. (In praise of <i>Liberalism: A Counter-History</i>)
Financial Times
Stimulatingly uncovers the contradictions of an ideology that is much too self-righteously invoked. (In praise of <i>Liberalism: A Counter-History</i>)
- Pankaj Mishra, Guardian
A book of wide reference and real erudition. (In praise of <i>Liberalism: A Counter-History</i>)
Times Literary Supplement
The book is a historically grounded, very accessible critique of liberalism, complementing a growing literature critical of liberalism. (In praise of <i>Liberalism: A Counter-History</i>)
Losurdo's book, fruit of a continuous intertwining of historical investigations and philosophical reflections, not only constitutes a criticism of historical revisionism but also does not want to be just an invitation to look to the past to better understand the century behind us: it contains precious tools for criticising the war ideology that the West seems to want to reinstate today.
- Stefano G. Azzarà & Leonardo Pecoraro, International Critical Thought
War and Revolution: Rethinking the Twentieth Centuryis a relentless document. It is dense and disconcerting. This is precisely why it should be considered one of the most important history books written since [.] 9-11.
- Ron Jacobs, CounterPunch