Civilian and Military Leadership in U.S. Wars
American Revolution
Leadership in the American Revolution
About the Author
American Revolution Battles
Trenton, Battle of
Saratoga, Battles of
Cowpens, Battle of
Yorktown, Siege of
American Revolution Leaders
Adams, John
Arnold, Benedict
Franklin, Benjamin
Gates, Horatio
Gerry, Elbridge
Greene, Nathanael
Hancock, John
Howe, Robert
Huntington, Samuel
Jay, John
Jefferson, Thomas
Knox, Henry
Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de
Laurens, Henry
Lee, Charles
Lincoln, Benjamin
McDougall, Alexander
Morgan, Daniel
Morris, Robert
Muhlenberg, John Peter Gabriel
Paine, Thomas
Pickering, Timothy
Rush, Benjamin
Rutledge, John
Scammel, Alexander
Schuyler, Philip
Smallwood, William
St. Clair, Arthur
Steuben, Friedrich von
Sullivan, John
Washington, George
Wayne, Anthony
Further Reading in the American Revolution
War of 1812
Leadership in the War of 1812
About the Author
War of 1812 Battles
Queenston Heights, Battle of
Lake Erie, Battle of
Chippewa, Battle of
Lake Champlain and Plattsburgh, Battles of
War of 1812 Leaders
Armstrong, John, Jr.
Bainbridge, William
Brown, Jacob Jennings
Chauncey, Isaac
Coffee, John
Dearborn, Henry
Decatur, Stephen, Jr.
Eustis, William
Gallatin, Albert
Hamilton, Paul
Hampton, Wade
Harrison, William Henry
Hull, Isaac
Hull, William
Jackson, Andrew
Jones, William
Lawrence, James
Macdonough, Thomas
Macomb, Alexander
Madison, James
Monroe, James
Perry, Oliver Hazard
Porter, David
Rodgers, John
Scott, Winfield
Smith, Samuel
Smyth, Alexander
Stewart, Charles
Van Rensselaer, Stephen
Wilkinson, James
Winchester, James
Winder, William Henry
Further Reading in the War of 1812
Mexican-American War
Leadership in the Mexican- American War
About the Author
Mexican-American War Battles
Palo Alto, Battle of
Buena Vista, Battle of
Veracruz, Siege of
Cerro Gordo, Battle of
Mexican-American War Leaders
Adams, John Quincy
Calhoun, John Caldwell
Cazneau, Jane McManus Storms
Corwin, Thomas
Davis, Jefferson Finis
Doniphan, Alexander William
Kearny, Stephen Watts
Lane, Joseph
Lincoln, Abraham
Marcy, William Learned
Patterson, Robert
Pillow, Gideon Johnson
Polk, James Knox
Quitman, John Anthony
Ringgold, Samuel
Scott, Winfield
Smith, Charles Ferguson
Smith, Persifor Frazer
Stockton, Robert Field
Taylor, Zachary
Thoreau, Henry David
Trist, Nicholas Philip
Twiggs, David Emanuel
Wilmot, David
Wool, John Ellis
Worth, William Jenkins
Further Reading in the Mexican-American War
Civil War
Leadership in the Civil War
About the Author
Civil War Battles
Forts Henry and Donelson Campaign
Shiloh, Battle of
Antietam, Battle of
Vicksburg Campaign, Second
Gettysburg, Battle of
Atlanta Campaign
Civil War Leaders
Barton, Clara Harlowe
Beauregard, Pierre Gustav Toutant
Benjamin, Judah Philip
Bickerdyke, Mary Ann Ball
Bragg, Braxton
Buell, Don Carlos
Burnside, Ambrose Everett
Chandler, Zachariah
Chase, Salmon Portland
Cobb, Howell
Curtis, Samuel Ryan
Davis, Henry Winter
Davis, Jefferson Finis
Farragut, David Glasgow
Grant, Ulysses Simpson
Halleck, Henry Wager
Holmes, Theophilus Hunter
Hooker, Joseph
Jackson, Thomas Jonathan
Johnston, Albert Sydney
Johnston, Joseph Eggleston
Lee, Robert Edward
Lincoln, Abraham
Magruder, John Bankhead
McClellan, George Brinton
Morton, Oliver Hazard Perry Throck
Pemberton, John Clifford
Randolph, George Wythe
Rosecrans, William Starke
Seddon, James Alexander
Sheridan, Philip Henry
Sherman, William Tecumseh
Smith, Edmund Kirby
Stanton, Edwin McMasters
Stephens, Alexander Hamilton
Thomas, George Henry
Toombs, Robert Augustus
Wade, Benjamin Franklin
Welles, Gideon
Further Reading in the Civil War
Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars
Leadership in the Spanish- American and Philippine-American Wars
About the Author
Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars Battles
Manila Bay, Battle of
El Caney, Battle of
San Juan Hill, Battle of
Santiago de Cuba, Naval Battle of
Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars Leaders
Alger, Russell Alexander
Cleveland, Stephen Grover
Day, William Rufus
Dewey, George
Lawton, Henry Ware
Lee, Fitzhugh
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Long, John Davis
MacArthur, Arthur, Jr.
Mahan, Alfred Thayer
McKinley, William, Jr.
Merritt, Wesley
Miles, Nelson Appleton
Otis, Elwell Stephen
Reid, Whitelaw
Roosevelt, Theodore
Sampson, William Thomas
Schley, Winfield Scott
Shafter, William
Taft, William Howard
Wheeler, Joseph
Wood, Leonard
Woodford, Stewart Lyndon
Further Reading in the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars
World War I
Leadership in World War I
About the Author
World War I Battles
Cantigny, Battle of
Belleau Wood, Battle of
Marne Counteroffensive
Saint-Mihiel Offensive
Meuse-Argonne Offensive
World War I Leaders
Baker, Newton Diehl
Benson, William Shepherd
Bliss, Tasker Howard
Bullard, Robert Lee
Butler, Smedley Darlington
Conner, Fox
Cushing, Harvey Williams
Daniels, Josephus
Drum, Hugh Aloysius
Fiske, Bradley Allen
Ford, Henry
Gerard, James Watson
Harbord, James Guthrie
Hoover, Herbert Clark
House, Edward Mandell
Lansing, Robert
Lejeune, John Archer
Liggett, Hunter
Lippmann, Walter
Lodge, Henry Cabot
March, Peyton Conway
Marshall, George Catlett
Mayo, Henry Thomas
McAdoo, William Gibbs
Mitchell, William
Morgan, John Pierpont
Pershing, John Joseph
Read, George Windle
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Sims, William Sowden
Summerall, Charles Pelot
Wilson, Thomas Woodrow
Wood, Leonard
Further Reading in World War I
World War II
Leadership in World War II
About the Author
World War II Battles
Atlantic, Battle of the
Pearl Harbor, Attack on
Midway, Battle of
Combined Bomber Offensive
Tarawa, Battle of
Normandy Invasion
Hürtgen Forest Campaign
Ardennes Offensive
World War II Leaders
Andrews, Frank Maxwell
Arnold, Henry Harley
Bradley, Omar Nelson
Byrnes, James Francis
Chennault, Claire Lee
Clark, Mark Wayne
Cota, Norman Daniel
Davis, Benjamin Oliver, Sr.
Devers, Jacob Loucks
Donovan, William Joseph
Doolittle, James Harold
Eberstadt, Ferdinand
Eichelberger, Robert Lawrence
Eisenhower, Dwight David
Fletcher, Frank Jack
Frederick, Robert Tryon
Gavin, James Maurice
Groves, Leslie Richard
Halsey, William Frederick, Jr.
Hodges, Courtney Hicks
Hull, Cordell
Kaiser, Henry John
Kenney, George Churchill
King, Ernest Joseph
Knudsen, William S.
Krueger, Walter
Leahy, William Daniel
LeMay, Curtis Emerson
MacArthur, Douglas
Marshall, George Catlett
McNair, Lesley James
Nimitz, Chester William
Patton, George Smith, Jr.
Randolph, Asa Philip
Ridgway, Matthew Bunker
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr.
Smith, Holland McTyeire
Smith, Walter Bedell
Spaatz, Carl Andrew
Spruance, Raymond Ames
Stilwell, Joseph Warren
Stimson, Henry Lewis
Taylor, Maxwell Davenport
Truman, Harry S.
Wedemeyer, Albert Coady
Further Reading in World War II
Korean War
Leadership in the Korean War
About the Author
Korean War Battles
Osan, Battle of
Naktong Bulge, First Battle of
Inchon Landing: Operation CHROMITE
Chipyong-ni, Battle of
Korean War Leaders
Acheson, Dean Gooderham
Almond, Edward Mallory
Austin, Warren N.
Barr, David Goodwin
Bradley, Omar Nelson
Church, John Huston
Clark, Mark Wayne
Collins, Joseph Lawton
Coulter, John Breitling
Dean, William Frishe
Dulles, John Foster
Eisenhower, Dwight David
Hodge, John Reed
Johnson, Louis Arthur
Joy, Charles Turner
MacArthur, Douglas
Marshall, George Catlett
Muccio, John Joseph
Radford, Arthur William
Ridgway, Matthew Bunker
Robertson, Walter Spencer
Sherman, Forrest Percival
Smith, Oliver Prince
Stratemeyer, George Edward
Truman, Harry S.
Vandenberg, Hoyt Sanford
Van Fleet, James Alward
Walker, Walton Harris
Whitney, Courtney
Wilson, Charles Edward
Further Reading in the Korean War
Vietnam War
Leadership in the Vietnam War
About the Author
Vietnam War Battles
Ap Bac, Battle of
Ia Drang, Battle of
Khe Sanh, Battles of
Tet Offensive
Ap Bia Mountain, Battle of
Cambodian Incursion
Vietnam War Leaders
Abrams, Creighton
Ball, George Wildman
Bundy, McGeorge
Bunker, Ellsworth
Clifford, Clark McAdams
Colby, William Egan
Collins, Joseph Lawton
Cronkite, Walter Leland
Dulles, John Foster
Eisenhower, Dwight David
Ford, Gerald Rudolph
Fulbright, James William
Goldwater, Barry Morris
Harkins, Paul Donal
Hilsman, Roger
Humphrey, Hubert Horatio
Johnson, Harold Keith
Johnson, Lyndon Baines
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
Kennedy, Robert Francis
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kissinger, Henry Alfred
Komer, Robert William
Krulak, Victor H.
Lansdale, Edward Geary
Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr.
McCarthy, Eugene Joseph
McNamara, Robert Strange
Nixon, Richard Milhous
Rostow, Walt Whitman
Rusk, David Dean
Taylor, Maxwell Davenport
Truman, Harry S.
Westmoreland, William Childs
Weyand, Frederick Carlton
Wheeler, Earle Gilmore
Further Reading in the Vietnam War
Middle East Wars
Leadership in the Middle East Wars
About the Author
Middle East Wars Battles
DESERT STORM, Coalition Air Campaign
DESERT STORM, Coalition Ground Campaign
ENDURING FREEDOM, Operation (Afghanistan)
Invasion of Iraq
Middle East Wars Leaders
Abizaid, John Philip
Baker, James Addison, III
Boomer, Walter
Bremer, Lewis Paul, III
Bush, George Herbert Walker
Bush, George Walker
Casey, George William, Jr.
Cheney, Richard Bruce
Fallon, William Joseph
Franks, Frederick Rice, Condoleezza
Melvin, Jr.
Rumsfeld, Donald Henry
Franks, Tommy Ray
Schwarzkopf, Gates, Robert Michael
H. Norman, Jr.
Hagenbeck, Franklin L
Shalikashvili, John Horner, Charles
Kimmitt, Robert Michael
Wallace, William Scott
Luck, Gary Edward
Wolfowitz, Paul Dundes
Mullen, Michael Glenn
Zinni, Anthony Charles
Myers, Richard Bowman
Pace, Peter
Further Reading in the Middle East Pagonis, William Gus
Petraeus, David Howell
Powell, Colin Luther
Les mer