’...an important volume...The sixteen, up-to-date and highly informed chapters will be an enormously important resource for anyone involved with the practical but measured introduction of CCTV but also the critical assessment of the effects and the limits of this ever-expanding aspect of our social and physical environment.’ Ian Taylor, University of Salford, UK ’...addresses many practical topics and issues of importance for the CCTV industry.’ CCTV Today ’...a thoughtful and very well written collection that offers a thorough exposition of the subject...a very readable and important contribution to the literature of social control...will provide an important source of material for students and academics from a variety of fields.’ Journal of Civil Liberties ’...the most significant collection of work on CCTV that has been produced in this country. It provides students, researchers and practitioners with a comprehensive basis to explore the many issues that arise.’ LCCJ Newsletter. ’...a really comprehensive and diverse set of intelligent and informative papers on CCTV...a collection of essays which ought to be of long-standing value for the next generation of CCTV researchers and urban community safety practitioners...we have here a fine, all-too-rare example, of the real value that can be added to public knowledge and debate.’ Urban Studies ’...provides much needed information to the reader...well-organised, comprehensive and clear...written for ease of understanding for those individuals nor familiar with CCTV...would be appropriate at either the undergraduate or graduate level in a crime prevention course.’ Law and Politics ’...well argued and contains much useful factual information. It is true that there has been very little serious debate on the value of CCTV and its effects on our lives - this book certainly goes some way to correcting this.’ Local Government Studies ’...an excellent source for the researcher...I wo