"As the years of the fiftieth centenary of the Civil War pass, scores of books are being published to coincide with the commemoration, but few will make a more important or original contribution to the understanding the minds and motivations of the Spanish participants." —Stanley G. Payne, from the Foreword
<p>"Students of the Spanish Civil War and of modern Spain generally will find this analysis of the role of Catholicism in the war both illuminating and fascinating. Professor Sánchez's study of the religious dimension of the complex, controversial conflict is particularly notable for its balance and fairness." —John Brademas, President, New York University, and author of <i>Anarcosindicalismo y revolución en España: 1930-1937</i></p>
Biographical note
José M. Sánchez, Professor of History at Saint Louis University (emeritus), is author of Anticlericalism: A Brief History (university of Notre Dame Press, 1972) and Reform and Reaction.