Greatly expanded with the addition of many new sources, and the compilers did a wonderful job in organizing. -- Nam-Lin Hur Pacific Affairs Sources of Japanese Tradition will perform a useful function... and the volumes should find a place on library shelves wherever Japanese history is taught. -- Sandra Wilson Japanese Studies
Since it was first published more than forty years ago, Sources of Japanese Tradition, Volume 2, has been considered the authoritative sourcebook for readers and scholars interested in Japan from the eighteenth century to the post-World War II period. Now greatly expanded to include the entire twentieth century, and beginning in 1600, Sources of Japanese Tradition presents writings from modern Japan's most important philosophers, religious figures, writers, and political leaders. The volume also offers extensive introductory essays and commentary to assist in understanding the documents' historical setting and significance. Wonderfully varied in its selections, this eagerly anticipated expanded edition has revised many of the texts from the original edition and added a great many not included or translated before. New additions include documents on the postwar era, the importance of education in the process of modernization, and women's issues. Beginning with documents from the founding of the Tokugawa shogunate, the collection's essays, manifestos, religious tracts, political documents, and memoirs reflect major Japanese religious, philosophical, social, and political movements.
Subjects covered include the spread of neo-Confucian and Buddhist teachings, Japanese poetry and aesthetics, and the Meiji Restoration. Other documents reflect the major political trends and events of the period: the abolition of feudalism, agrarian reform, the emergence of political parties and liberalism, and the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars. The collection also includes Western and Japanese impressions of each other via Western religious missions and commercial and cultural exchanges. These selections underscore Japanese and Western apprehension of and fascination with each other. As Japan entered the twentieth century, new political and social movements-Marxism, anarchism, socialism, feminism, and nationalism-entered the national consciousness. Later readings in the collection look at the buildup to war with the United States, military defeat, and American occupation. Documents from the postwar period echo Japan's struggle with its own history and its development as a capitalist democracy.
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A sourcebook for readers and scholars interested in Japan from eighteenth century to post-World War II period. It presents writings from modern Japan's philosophers, religious figures, writers, and political leaders. It also offers introductory essays and commentary to assist in understanding documents' historical setting and significance.
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Preface Part IV The Tokugawa Peace 20. Ieyasu and the Founding of the Tokugawa Shogunate, by Willem Boot Ieyasuis Revenge and Compassion 21. Confucianism in the Early Tokugawa Period, by Willem Boot Fujiwara Seika and the Rise of Neo-Confucianism Hayashi Razan The Later History of the Hayashi Family School The Way of Heaven 22. The Spread of Neo-Confucianism in Japan Yamazaki Ansai and Zhu Xi Studies, by Barry Steben The Mito School, by Barry Steben Kaibara Ekken: Human Nature and the Study of Nature, by Mary Evelyn Tucker The Oyomei (Wang Yangming) School in Japan, by Barry Steben Kumazawa Banzan: Confucian Practice in Seventeenth-Century Japan, by Ian James McMullen Nakae Tojuis Successors in the Oyomei School, by Barry Steben 23. The Evangelic Furnace: Japanis First Encounter with the West, by J. S. A. Elisonas European Documents A Christian Critique of Shinto Alexandro Valignanois Japanese Mission Policy A Jesuit Priestis Observations of Women Japanese Documents The Anti-Christian Edicts of Toyotomi Hideyoshi Fabian Fucan Pro and Contra A Buddhist Refutation of Christianity 24. Confucian Revisionists, by Wm. Theodore de Bary and John A. Tucker Fundamentalism and Revisionism in the Critique of Neo-Confucianism Yamaga Soko and the Civilizing of the Samurai, by John A. Tucker Ito Jinsaiis School of Ancient Meanings, by John A. Tucker Ogyu Sorai and the Return to the Classics Muro Kyusois Defense of Neo-Confucianism 25. Varieties of Neo-Confucian Education Principles of Education Yamazaki Ansai, by John A. Tucker Kaibara Ekken, by Mary Evelyn Tucker The Shizutani School, by Mary Evelyn Tucker The Merchant Academy of Kaitokudo, by Tetsuo Najita Lecture on the Early Chapters of the Analects and Mencius Items of Understanding, 1727 Items of Understanding, 1758 Ogyu Soraiis Approach to Learning, by Richard Minear Hirose Tansois School System, by Marleen Kassel 26. Popular Instruction Ishida Baiganis Learning of the Mind and the Way of the Merchant, by Janine Sawada The House Codes of Tokugawa Merchant Families The Testament of Shimai Soshitsu The Code of the Okaya House Ihara Saikaku Mitsui Takafusa Muro Kyuso Hosoi Heishu How to Behave at Temple Schools 27. The Vocabulary of Japanese Aesthetics III, by Donald Keene Chikamatsu Monzaemon 28. Haiku and the Democracy of Poetry as a Popular Art, by Donald Keene Matsuo Basho Issa 29. "Dutch Learning," by Grant Goodman Engelbert Kaempfer Sugita Genpaku Otsuki Gentaku Shiba Kokan 30. Eighteenth-Century Rationalism Arai Hakuseki's Confucian Perspective on Government and Society, by Kate Nakai The Function of Rites The Evolution of Japanese History Hakuseki's View of Christianity and the West Hakuseki's Approach to Fiscal Policy and Trade Tominaga Nakamotois Historical Relativism Ando Shoeki's Ecological Community Miura Baien's Search for a New Logic, by Rosemary Mercer "The Origin of Price" Baien's System of "Logic" Space and Time Heaven-and-Earth Is the Teacher Jori and Science Kaiho Seiryo and the Laws of Economics 31. The Way of the Warrior II The Debate over the Ako Vendetta, by John A. Tucker and Barry Steben Okado Denpachiro Religious Nuances of the Ako Case, by John A. Tucker and Barry Steben Hayashi Razan Hayashi Hoko Muro Kyuso Ogyu Sorai Sato Naokata Asami Keisai Dazai Shundai Goi Ranshu Fukuzawa Yukichi The Ako Vendetta Dramatized, by Donald Keene Hagakure and the Way of the Samurai, by Barry Steben 32. The National Learning Schools, by Peter Nosco Kada no Azumamaro Kamo no Mabuchi Motoori Norinaga Love and Poetry Good and Evil in The Tale of Genji Hirata Atsutane Okuni Takamasa 33. Buddhism in the Tokugawa Period Suzuki Shosan, by Royall Tyler Takuan Soho, by William Bodiford Bankei Hakuin Ekaku Jiun Sonja Paul Watt 34. Orthodoxy, Protest, and Local Reform The Prohibition of Heterodox Studies The Kansei Edict The Justification for the Kansei Edict The Later Wang Yangming (Oyomei) School, by Barry Steben Sato Issai Oshio Heihachiro Agrarian Reform and Cooperative Planning Ninomiya Sontoku 35. Forerunners of the Restoration Rai Sanyo and Yamagata Daini: Loyalism Rai Sanyo's Unofficial History, by Barry Steben Yamagata Daini's New Thesis, by Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi Honda Toshiaki: Ambitions for Japan Sato Nobuhiro: Totalitarian Nationalism 36. The Debate over Seclusion and Restoration The Later Mito School The Opening of Japan from Within Sakuma Shozan: Eastern Ethics and Western Science Yokoi Shonan: Opening the Country for the Common Good Yoshida Shoin: Death-Defying Heroism Fukuzawa Yukichi: Pioneer of Westernization Reform Proposals of Sakamoto Ryoma, Saigo Takamori, and Okubo Toshimichi Sakamoto Ryoma: Eight-Point Proposal Letter from Saigo Takamori and Okubo Toshimichi on the Imperial Restoration Part V Japan, Asia, and the West 37. The Meiji Restoration, by Fred G. Notehelfer The Abolition of Feudalism and the Centralization of the Meiji State The Leaders and Their Vision The Iwakura Mission Consequences of the Iwakura Mission: Saigo and Okubo on Korea The Meiji Emperor 38. Civilization and Enlightenment, by Albert Craig Fukuzawa Yukichi Enlightenment Thinkers of the Meirokusha: On Marriage Mori Arinori Kato Hiroyuki Fukuzawa Yukichi Sakatani Shiroshi Tsuda Mamichi Nakamura Masanao: China Should Not Be Despised 39. Popular Rights and Constitutionalism, by James Huffman Debating a National Assembly, 1873-1875 Itagaki Taisuke Nakamura Masanao Representative Assemblies and National Progress, February 1879 Defining the Constitutional State, 1876-1883 Ito Hirobumi Okuma Shigenobu Chiba Takasaburo Nakae Chomin The Emergence of Political Parties Itagaki Taisuke Fukuchi Gen'ichiro Okuma Shigenobu Ozaki Yukio Bestowing the Constitution on the People, 1884-1889 Controlling the Freedom and People's Rights Movement The Meiji Constitution 40. Education in Meiji Japan, by Richard Rubinger Views in the Early Meiji Period Iwakura Tomomi and Aristocratic Education Kido Takayoshi and Ito Hirobumi on Universal Education Fukuzawa Yukichi and Education The First Meiji School System The Confucian Critique Motoda Eifu and Emperor-Centered Education Tani Tateki's Critique of the West Nakamura Masanao's Synthesis of East and West Mori Arinori and the Later Meiji School System Inoue Kowashi and Patriotic Training The Imperial Rescript on Education Teachers and Reform from Below State Control over Textbooks The Education of Women in the Meiji Period 41. Nationalism and Pan-Asianism State Shinto, by Helen Hardacre The Idea of Shinto as a National Teaching The Divinity of the Emperor The Patriotic Meaning of Shrines State Shinto in the Colonies of Imperial Japan Tokutomi Soho: A Japanese Nationalistis View of the West and Asia, by Fred G. Notehelfer Supporting the Imperial State and Military Expansion Okakura Kakuzo: Aesthetic Pan-Asianism, by Aida Yuan Wong Yanagi Muneyoshi and the Kwanghwa Gate in Seoul, Korea 42. The High Tide of Prewar Liberalism, by Arthur E. Tiedemann Democracy at Home Minobe Tatsukichi: The Legal Foundation for Liberal Government Yoshino Sakuzo: Democracy as minpon shugi Kawai Eijiro: A Rebuke to the Military Ishibashi Tanzan: A Liberal Business Journalist Kiyosawa Kiyoshi: Why Liberalism? Ienaga Saburo: The Formation of a Liberal Peaceful Cooperation Abroad Shidehara Kijuro: Conciliatory Diplomacy Yamamuro Sobun: Call for a Peaceful Japan 43. Socialism and the Left, by Andrew Barshay The Early Socialist Movement Anarchism Kotoku Shusui Kagawa Toyohiko Socialism and the Left Osugi Sakae Kaneko Fumiko Marxism The Debate About Japanese Capitalism Kawakami Hajime Yamada Moritaro Uno Kozo Marxist Cultural Criticism Tosaka Jun Nakano Shigeharu The Tenko Phenomenon 44. The Rise of Revolutionary Nationalism, by Marius Jansen Japan and Asia Agitation by Assassination The Plight of the Countryside Kita Ikki and the Reform Wing of Ultranationalism The Conservative Reaffirmation Watsuji Tetsuro 45. Empire and War, by Peter Duus The Impact of World War I: A Conflict Between Defenders and Opponents of the Status Quo A Plan to Occupy Manchuria The Economic Need for Expansion Hashimoto Kingoro Konoe Fumimaro National Mobilization Army Ministry Konoe Fumimaro The Imperial Rule Assistance Association Spiritual Mobilization Economic Mobilization The Greater East Asia War The Decision for War with the United States The War's Goals The Greater East Asia Conference Defeat Part VI. Postwar Japan 46. The Occupation Years, 1945-1952, by Marlene Mayo Initial Official Policies, American and Japanese A New Basic Document: The 1947 Constitution Introducing a New Civil Code The New Educational System Labor Unions Rural Land Reform Economic Stabilization and Reconstruction Reconstructing Japan as a Nation of Peace and Culture Morito Tatsuo Yokota Kisaburo Regaining Sovereignty in a Bipolar World Some Japanese Views of the War Kurihara Sadako Oe Kenzaburo Tanaka Kotaro 47. Democracy and High Growth, by Andrew Gordon The Movement Against the Separate Treaty and the U.S.- Japan Military Alliance The Government's View of the Economy in 1956: "The 'postwar' is over" The Transformation of the Postwar Monarchy Two Views of the Security Treaty Crisis of 1960 Maruyama Masao Yoshimoto Takaaki The Consumer Revolution in Postwar Japan, 1960 The Economic Planning Agency's New Long-Range Economic Plan of Japan, 1961-1970 Environmental Activism in Postwar Japan: Minamata Disease Bulldozing the Archipelago: The Politics of Economic Growth The Philosophy of Japanese Labor Management in the High-Growth Era The Japanese Middle Class at the End of the Twentieth Century Part VII. Aspects of the Modern Experience 48. The New Religions, by Helen Hardacre Kurozumikyo Tenrikyo Omoto Deguchi Nao Deguchi Onisaburo Reiyukai kyodan Soka gakkai Makiguchi Tsunesaburo Toda Josei Ikeda Daisaku 49. Japan and the World in Cultural Debate Uchimura Kanzo Natsume Soseki Nishida Kitaro Endo Shusaku Mishima Yukio Oe Kenzaburo 50. Gender Politics and Feminism, by Brett de Bary Gender and Modernization Magazines for Women's Education Women and Labor Hiratsuka Raicho and the Bluestocking Society Postwar Japanese Feminism Aoki Yayoi and Ecofeminism Matsui Yayori and Asian Migrant Women in Japan Ueno Chizuko and the Cultural Context of Japanese Feminism Saito Chiyo and Japanese Feminism 51. Thinking with the Past: History Writing in Modern Japan, by Carol Gluck New Histories in Meiji Japan Taguchi Ukichi Shigeno Yasutsugu Kume Kunitake Marxist History Writing Writing About the Meiji Restoration Tokutomi Soho Noro Eitaro Nakamura Masanori Banno Junji Bito Masahide Shiba Ryotaro A High-School History Textbook Alternative Histories Ifa Fuyu Yanagita Kunio Takamure Itsue Maruyama Masao Irokawa Daikichi Yasumaru Yoshio The Asia-Pacific War in History and Memory Maruyama Masao Ienaga Saburo Oe Kenzaburo Fujiwara Akira Kobayashi Yoshinori Ishizaka Kei Twentieth-Century Design Stamps Rethinking the Nation Amino Yoshihiko Kano Masanao Arano Yasunori and Colleague
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Now greatly expanded to include the entire twentieth century, and beginning in 1600, Sources of Japanese Tradition presents writings by modern Japan's most important philosophers, religious figures, writers, and political leaders. The volume offers extensive introductory essays and commentary to assist in understanding the documents' historical settings and significance. This expanded edition has revised many of the texts from the original edition and added a great many not included or translated before. New additions include documents on the postwar era, the importance of education in the process of modernization, and women's issues.
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Columbia University Press
229 mm
152 mm
UU, UP, 05
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