This is an excellent anthology! It is the fruit of a timely and highly creative act of curation. El-Malik and Kamola bring together a wonderfully heterodox group of scholars to explore the intellectual backbone of African anticolonial struggles. Neither a nostalgic undertaking nor one in search of a bounded territorial authenticity, it offers readers a fresh encounter with a vibrant horizon of possibilities developed in the face of fierce opposition. Not limited to intervening in an academic field or the historical study of failed ideas, together the contributors explore the meaning of an African anticolonial archive as a global inheritance, one that illuminates core aspects of the human condition, fundamental questions of politics, and what counts as knowledge when seeking to forge a world that is no longer colonized.
- Jane Anna Gordon, Associate Professor of Political Science and Africana Studies, University of Connecticut,
Academic literature has not taken the intellectual work of African anti-colonial thinkers seriously. Forgotten is the clarity of Amilcar Cabral and Thomas Sankara as well as the movements they led. This volume is part of a long task of recovery, to excavate the ferocious intelligence of the African anti-colonial world and bring it into our times.
- Vijay Prashad, George and Martha Kellner Chair in South Asian History and Professor of International Studies, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut,