Now is the Time to Collect is a very visual project, not only for the excellent photographs, but because the narrative is describing an epic expedition and everything about that expedition is visual."—Matthew James (Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, 1987) is a professor of geology and paleontology at Sonoma State University and a fellow of the California Academy of Sciences. He is the author of <i>Collecting Evolution: The Galapagos Expedition that Vindicated Darwin</i><br /><br /> "Brinkman's writing style is extremely engaging, compelling, and lyrical. "—Gretchen Rings (MLIS, Dominican University, 2008) is museum librarian and head of library collections at The Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois.<br /><br /> "Paul Brinkman skillfully integrates the unusually rich field diary of Daniel Elliot into the story of the new and ambitious Field Museum as its zoological director ventures into the British imperial Horn of Africa to encounter wildlife, local culture, and the desert landscape. Using letters, photographs, and other archival material, <i>Now is the Time to Collect</i> is a compelling narrative and documents the salvage zoology rationale that motivated museum curators to shoot what specimens they could before anticipated extinction."—Sally Gregory Kohlstedt is professor Emeritus in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Program at the University of Minnesota.