<b>Masterly mapping out of a new world order </b>. . . Peter Frankopan has gone up in the world since his bestselling Silk Roads history was published to great acclaim in 2015 – and deservedly so
- Justin Marozzi, Evening Standard
I enjoyed <i>The New Silk Roads</i>. I learnt a great deal about recent developments in Central Asia and elsewhere. <b>Frankopan is a brilliant guide to terra incognita</b>
- Niall Ferguson, Sunday Times
The book is<b> diverting, eclectic and has serious intent. </b>Its thesis that Eurasia is developing a sense of cohesion, largely powered by China’s restless ambition, is a sound one
- Roger Boyes, The Times
<b>Absorbing </b>. . . One of the slightly dizzying effects of reading this book is realising the sheer amount of change that has taken place globally in just three years
Irish Times
<b>Peter Frankopan has written as prescient a modern history as possible</b> . . . Frankopan’s skill is that he able to step back a few more paces from the world map and global events than most modern commentators, whilst encouraging us to use history as a way of looking forward than regressing into the past
- Total Politics,
If you are only going to read one non-fiction book in the coming year, let it be <i>The New Silk Roads</i> by Dr Frankopan . . . This book has all the answers and some more
News on Sunday Pakistan
Entertaining . . . Peter Frankopan has a sharp eye for startling facts, and <b>no reader will leave <i>The</i> <i>New Silk Roads</i> with her sense of the state of the world unchanged</b>
- Richard Drayton, Times Literary Supplement
<b>Frankopan has written another valuable and idiosyncratic book</b>. He has the gift of perspective – the capacity to see the wood for the trees – which he combines with a Tolstoyan knack for weaving little details into the broader sweep of human affairs
Daily Telegraph
Peter Frankopan’s surprise 2015 bestseller <i>The Silk Roads </i>was a gripping world history that centred on the east. His follow-up <i>The New Silk Roads</i> takes the story right up to the present, as a resurgent China seeks to recreate the old trade routes
- Books of the Year, Prospect
A stimulating primer on modern geopolitics, written with a historian’s eye for colour and detail
Daily Telegraph
- Amol Rajan, BBC
An <b>entertaining and carefully researched account</b> of a new Chinese chapter in global history, and one where it finally makes sense to see Eurasia, with Europe at one end and China at the other, as a single connected whole
Filled with an avalanche of remarkable facts . . . Peter Frankopan is on a mission to show that the world is no longer all about Europe and the West
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