<p>"Sergio Luzzatto has unearthed a moving story and is telling it masterfully: how after 1945 some 700 young children who survived the Holocaust found refuge in northern Italy and ultimately emigrated to Israel. It is a dramatic story, beautifully and importantly told!"—Alon Confino, author of A World Without Jews<br /><br />"<i>Moshe's Children</i> is a charming work. Written by an Italian scholar and now wonderfully translated into English, it tells the story of a children's house established by a a Polish volunteer in the British Army in Italy that served to offer a haven to orphans of the Holocaust, to rehabilitate them and prepare them for a life in Palestine, which after 1948 became Israel. <i>Moshe's Children</i> presents Zionism in a manner virtually unseen today, as the hope for the transformation of the Jewish people and the role that Zionism played in the rehabilitation of Holocaust survivors."—Michael Berenbaum, American Jewish University</p>
Biographical note
Sergio Luzzatto is Professor and the Emiliana Pasca Noether Chair in Modern Italian History at University of Connecticut. Three of his books on Italian history, The Body of Il Duce, Padre Pio, and Primo Levi's Resistance, have been translated into English.
Stash Luczkiw is a New York–born poet and translator based in Italy.