Biographical note
Morgan Genevieve Blue earned her Ph.D. in radio-television-film at the University of Texas at Austin. Her scholarship analyzes representations of girlhood in popular U.S. media. She is author of Girlhood on Disney Channel: Branding, Celebrity, and Femininity (2017), and her work is published in Feminist Media Studies, Film, Fashion and Consumption, Red Feather Journal, and Journal of Children & Media. She also contributed to Voicing Girlhood in Popular Music (2016), edited by Allison Adrian and Jacqueline Warwick.
Mary Celeste Kearney is Director of Gender Studies and Associate Professor of Film, Television, and Theatre at the University of Notre Dame. Her research focuses primarily on gender, youth, and media culture. She is author of Girls Make Media (2006) and Gender and Rock (2017), as well as editor of The Gender and Media Reader (2011) and the first volume of Mediated Girlhoods: New Explorations of Girls’ Media Culture (Peter Lang, 2011). She is currently co-editing The Craft of Criticism: Critical Media Studies in Practice with Michael Kackman, and completing research for her next monograph, From Nancy Drew to Gidget: The First Wave of Teen-Girl Media.